upload-release-action icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
upload-release-action copied to clipboard

upload failed with socket hang up

Open Borda opened this issue 3 years ago • 10 comments

Hello, we have been using this action for a few weeks and all were fine till now when I observed the following issue:

Error: request to https://uploads.github.com/repos/PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning/releases/37292282/assets?name=pytorch_lightning-1.1.7-py3-none-any.whl& failed, reason: socket hang up

Any idea/suggestion on what went wrong?

the trace is here - https://github.com/PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning/runs/1822403300?check_suite_focus=true

Borda avatar Feb 03 '21 12:02 Borda

Pretty sure this is just a network outage. Can't really do much there except for retrying.

svenstaro avatar Feb 03 '21 12:02 svenstaro

ok, so you suggest trying it later again? just curious what kind of outage since it is running in GH action and release is also in Github...

Borda avatar Feb 03 '21 12:02 Borda

Might still be that the worker's network is broken in some way.

svenstaro avatar Feb 03 '21 12:02 svenstaro

Hello @svenstaro,

I am also facing the same issue and getting the following error. However, I may have a hint to solve this issue. Error: request to https://uploads.github.com/repos/pranjal-joshi/Screeni-py/releases/42464624/assets?name=screenipy_macos.app& failed, reason: socket hang up

Workflow Run Log: https://github.com/pranjal-joshi/Screeni-py/runs/2508182883?check_suite_focus=true

I am using the same action to build packages for Windows, Linux and Mac. Here your action is working fine for Windows(.exe) and Linux(.bin) files because it is a single file. However, for Mac, the compiled output .app is not a file but a special directory that contains a bunch of things needed for Mac.

Can you please make sure whether this GH action is can handle the directory uploading to the release? Because actions/upload-artifact@v2 can handle this type of uploading for artifacts, so you may get an idea by going through their source if needed.

I never had hands-on experience with Mac so feel free to correct me if required.

pranjal-joshi avatar May 05 '21 10:05 pranjal-joshi

@Borda I am having a similar issue mentioned in the above comment. Was it just a network outage? Did you get it working back without any modifications?

pranjal-joshi avatar May 05 '21 10:05 pranjal-joshi

I am having a similar issue mentioned in the above comment. Was it just a network outage? Did you get it working back without any modifications?

Hi, we ended up switching to another solution AButler/upload-release-assets

Borda avatar May 05 '21 14:05 Borda

To make that work I just use PAT around. Not sure if relates but you can try that guys.

- uses: actions/[email protected]
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
          upload_url: ${{ steps.get_release.outputs.upload_url }}
          asset_path: my-app-${{ matrix.os }}
          asset_name: my-app-${{ matrix.os }}
          asset_content_type: application/zip

mcchran avatar May 12 '22 13:05 mcchran

Write permissions are required for the upload to succeed (either use token, permissions or change the settings > actions > general): image

zifeo avatar Feb 20 '23 20:02 zifeo

Since we now have retrying as of 2.5.0, I think we can consider the initial problem fixed.

svenstaro avatar Feb 21 '23 14:02 svenstaro

Still experiencing this on 2.5.0 The file is quite big: 1.178 GB

skjnldsv avatar Mar 21 '23 19:03 skjnldsv