pseudoform icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pseudoform copied to clipboard

Pseudoform is a community-driven collaboration project that aims to create an involving and brain-melting first-person puzzle-solving game.

Pseudoform README

Some clearing up

Clarification for everything that is to follow:

  • Portalized is the name of the game engine
  • Pseudoform is the name of the overall project, the idea and all media included Any references to Pseudoform therefore also address Portalized because Portalized is a necessary part of this project.


The project is licensed under the zlib license described in COPYING. The license applies to the Portalized game engine code, Pseudoform media and Pseudoform documents. It does not apply to the third party libraries Portalized is linked against. If you want to find out about the third party libraries, please look them up in the doc/ directory.

Control and configuration

Relevant configuration files are: data/scripts/bind.lua for looking up and settings keybindings and data/scripts/root.xml for changing the resolution and screen mode. Do NOT change the plugins line in root.xml.

Standard configuration for editor mode is: Left Mouse Hold - Move on XZ plane Right Mouse Hold - Look around XY Left+Right Mouse - Move on XY plane Middle mouse - Drag object (needs simulation to be started) 1, 2, 3 - Gizmos for transformations Del - Delete selected object Escape - Go back from game mode CTRL-D - Duplicate selection

Standard configuration for game mode is: W, A, S, D - Standard FPS movement Space - Jump

Known problems

  • The game is currently not found to be working with Intel integrated graphics chips.
  • ATI users should use D3D in root.xml instead of OGL if they see issues with OGL
  • Some ATI cards do currently not work at all using either renderer

Problems reporting

If there are problems, bugs or other issues, tell us so on our forums on Please also read the stickies.

Have fun

Greetings to everyone in the community! Sven-Hendrik 'Svenstaro' Haase [email protected]

Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Agop 'nullsquared' Shirinian and Sven-Hendrik 'Svenstaro' Haase

This file is part of Pseudoform (Pseudoform project at