wicket-dnd copied to clipboard
Wicket drag-and-drop
A generic Drag&Drop framework for Wicket:
(see http://code.google.com/p/wicket-dnd for Wicket 1.4 and 1.5)
- operate on any markup element via selectors
- drag and drop between any Wicket components
- vertical, horizontal and hierarchical structured markup
- drag initiators (a.k.a. handles)
- common desktop metaphors with
operations - transfer types
- themeable
- works in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera
See our live examples on http://wicket-dnd-jquery.appspot.com (beware - very slow!).
You have to add a theme (build-in or your own) to your component you want to enable for DnD, e.g.
container.add(new WindowsTheme());
Drag source
Enable a component as a source of drags:
container.add(new DragSource(Operation.MOVE) {
public void onAfterDrop(AjaxRequestTarget target, Transfer transfer) {
// remove transfer data
In this example only a MOVE operation is allowed. Drags are initiated on <tr>
Drop target
Enable a component as a target for drops:
container.add(new DropTarget(Operation.MOVE, Operation.COPY) {
public void onDrop(AjaxRequestTarget target, Transfer transfer, Location location) {
// add transfer data
In this example MOVE and COPY operations are allowed. Drops are performed on center of <tr>
the location holds a reference to the actual component and the anchor the transfer was dropped on.
Maven dependency
Releases are available on Maven central and OSS Sonatype.
For snapshot releases you have to use the OSS Sonatype Snapshot repository: