Stephane VAROQUI
Stephane VAROQUI
there is may be create or replace i hope your DB support such syntax ?
GetClusterThisProxyConn is taken on each proxy for _, pr := range cluster.Proxies { And VIP is one of them extproxy = true extproxy-address="VIP_ADDR:3306" Proxy can be maxscale ,shardproxy (mariadb+spider), proxysql...
I have tested in our lab failover using PSEUDO GTID and it works for me with percona 5.6 and proxysql proxy
Sorry wrong test indeed adding a third slave , it can not attach via Pseudo GTID because wrong SQL Syntax i'll investigate this !
Ok the issue i experimented was only in 2.1 that was a typo and so 2.0 should work as expected ! After fixing the typo in 2.1 i was able...
for the record i used db-servers-hosts = "mysql1,mysql2,mysql3" db-servers-prefered-master = "mysql1" db-servers-credential = "root:mariadb" db-servers-connect-timeout = 1 replication-credential = "root:mariadb" force-slave-no-gtid-mode = true autorejoin-slave-positional-hearbeat = true failover-mode = "automatic"
Do you mind sending me your config for me to reproduce Default user:password is admin:repman
Thanks for reporting the client bug that i can reproduce !
I fixed the console issue in last build tx
Re , #1 i push a new patch sorry 2.1 as different json API and all was not yet reflected , now should be fine #2 That's not expected did...