Stephane VAROQUI
Stephane VAROQUI
Hi @peterpan104 , we dig into the code and it appears that this script is for specific case that when a slave is restarted and is in replication error it...
That's what happen when we control haproxy or proxysql . We will work on that like script for transition slave -> (slave_err| salve_late) and (slave_err| later) to slave
> "Thanks for your reply,I have tried the alert script, but it does not work." cluster.LogModulePrintf(cluster.Conf.Verbose, config.ConstLogModGeneral, "INFO", "Calling alert script") out, err := exec.Command(cluster.Conf.AlertScript, alert.Cluster, alert.Host, alert.PrevState, alert.State).CombinedOutput() Can...
Ok i see why it is not trigger ``` func (cluster *Cluster) CheckAlert(state state.State) { if cluster.Conf.MonitoringAlertTrigger == "" { return } // exit even earlier if cluster.Conf.MailTo == ""...
Hello pushed in v2.3.29 `./replication-manager-osc --config=etc/opensvc/cluster-api/cluster-demo/stephane.toml --monitoring-open-state-script="./share/scripts/" --monitoring-close-state-script="./share/scripts/" --log-level=3 monitor` Note: default log level 2 does not log script execution. We need to improve on this as this is pretty...
> Hi @svaroqui Thanks for your help,I'll try it. Can you update the Signal18 repositories? Because currently only v2.3.26 can be installed. Should be good for for deb rpm is...