Stephane VAROQUI
Stephane VAROQUI
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Hi William, It's not clear for me as well do you plan to take backups using ssh dbjobs ( the script is call dbjob_new , but can be duplicate and...
Hi if you wan’t to enable configuration of database instances than you will need to enable dropping and adding files in /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql You also need to tell replication-manger it’s...
Did you figure out how to solve your issue like with custom script , we would be very please if you could provide a contribution with an howto configure db...
We are currently working on improvement of remote scripting with better log on what is happening within mariabackup and xtrabackup. We found backups issues on the way, stay tune the...
Hi William, yes that is expected behavior by default, I would advice to set read-only to on in every node config of the cluster and let replication-manager manage to trigger...
Yes those are other very short TTL certificate for JWT they expire with timeout or if replication-manager is restarted because the browser still polling the server it come back with...
Hello nyxneuf Can you please provide your full config without password to try to reproduce and the log when you start with tls enabled
This was happening because of changing hostname to ip in db-server-hosts and internal db id are changed and no more related to the SRV NAME in haproxy config , we...
Pease make sure all the nodes get those privileges for both db-servers-credential and replication-credential user