Steph van Schalkwyk

Results 21 issues of Steph van Schalkwyk

Thanks for a great role! I have a problem setting ```--set-xauthrequest``` flag. I tried ``` nginx_extra_root_params: - "--set-xauthrequest" ``` with no luck. Is there a place where flags can be...

5.13.0-39-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 24 15:35:05 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Ubuntu 21.04 Mate Desktop Webcamoid Ver 9.0.0 Dialog can not be moved from Display 0. Dragging always...

Critical: Bug

5.13.0-39-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 24 15:35:05 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Ubuntu 21.04 Mate Desktop Webcamoid Ver 9.0.0 Still saving 0-byte MP4 files.

Critical: Bug

PySpark cannot find any "solr" or "lucidworks...." class. ``` df ="solr").option( "zkhost", zkhost).option( "collection", "Partgenix2").load() ``` Fusion 4.3 / Fusion 5....

Excellent application! Thanks! When one is skipping over many lines, the Skip button moves from under the mouse. Nice to have those three buttons static. Better still, add left-hand control...

help wanted
good first issue

Hi "ERROR in /searchkit-demo/node_modules/@types/react-router/lib/withRouter.d.ts (3,99): error TS2314: Generic type 'PureComponent' requires 2 type argument(s)." when running the app. Node 8.1.2 React 15.6.1 Ubuntu What else do you need to diagnose?...

All users are authenticated and passed upstream. I have no email-domains set, and one user in my authenticated_emails_file. What am I doing wrong? ```authenticated_emails_file = "/var/oauth2_proxy/emails" cookie-domain = "" http_address...


Python 3.9 clean install Ubuntu 21.04 Paths redacted for clarity Uvicorn works for a simple app ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File ".../", line 2, in from app.api import...

My landing page renders ok, but any link I click, renders without styling and in a full page. In _config.yml, I have had to change disable relative permalinks as follows:...

Thanks for the app. Is there a way to export the *.tf files to a folder?

✨ enhancement