pyresttest icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pyresttest copied to clipboard

GZIP support

Open OlafvdSpek opened this issue 7 years ago • 4 comments

pyresttest doesn't appear to support GZIP requests / responses yet, could this be supported?

OlafvdSpek avatar May 03 '17 14:05 OlafvdSpek

did you try to enable gzip first?

- test:
    - curl_option_encoding: "gzip"

postmart avatar May 12 '17 09:05 postmart

No. Why isn't it enabled by default? And how do I enable this for all tests?

OlafvdSpek avatar May 12 '17 09:05 OlafvdSpek

To enable for all the tests put it under the config part.

- config:

Can you verify whether it worked for you?

postmart avatar May 16 '17 01:05 postmart

Neither option appears to work.

OlafvdSpek avatar May 16 '17 09:05 OlafvdSpek