Searching for similar formatting system I found this can solve the problem of number formatting : ```golang p := message.NewPrinter(language.Hindi) p.Printf("%s %f", "₹", 100000000.0) ``` playground: Hope this could...
Good idea ! Planned into 1.0.10.
D3 is a svg building library. JQplot builds HTML5 canvas. This is two different way to builds charts on the web. If we would like to integrate D3 features, we...
Not yet implemented because of complexity to rebuild chart on each animation. Canvas animations needs to rebuild a location on the canvas chart. Doing that means that cleared region need...
The check intersection method is returned a first series loop. In fact all hover or check intersection events concerning the series index > 1 did not fired any events. See...
Only one case is not working at now: The cursor plug-in tooltip. All standards tooltips works well.
You should see at the log axis renderer. here: Using: ``` axes: { yaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.LogAxisRenderer } } ```
Why don't you use the LogAxisRenderer like that: Is it the expected render ?
I really don't understand the problem. Did you import the `jqplot.logAxisRenderer.min.js` from scripts ? Does my jsFiddle solution show you the correct graph rendering ?
Hi Paul, I would like to clarify another point. I think the MIT licence is really important for us. And we want to keep this licence for our project. About...