WeiboPicBed icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WeiboPicBed copied to clipboard


Open hyx2016 opened this issue 8 years ago • 3 comments


hyx2016 avatar Feb 22 '16 08:02 hyx2016

@hyx2016 目前不支持SVG 下个版本看看吧 这个也需要微博那边支持

suxiaogang avatar Feb 22 '16 09:02 suxiaogang

如果无法支持,希望可以将SVG的上传失败信息提示的明确一些: )感觉现在的提示不是很友好 @Suxiaogang

hyx2016 avatar Feb 22 '16 09:02 hyx2016

@hyx2016 got it

suxiaogang avatar Feb 22 '16 09:02 suxiaogang