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Boilerplate SCSS / PUG / ES6
1. Hello Front
Boilerplate SCSS / PUG / ES6 for clean and fast Front-end project.
Work on src/ folder and gulp build in dist/.
1. Hello Front
1.1. Installation
- 1.1.1. Node version manager
- 1.1.2. Install Sass
- 1.1.3. Install Yarn
- 1.1.4. Install Gulp
- 1.1.5. Download the dependencies NPM
- 1.1.6. Install Tooling
1.2. Commands
- 1.2.1. Run project
- 1.2.2. Build project
- 1.2.3. Optimize SVG
- 1.2.4. Clean project
1.3. How it works
- 1.3.1. Works with SCSS
- 1.3.2. Works with Pug templating
- 1.3.3. Works with JavaScript
- 1.3.4. Working with Images
- 1.3.5. Working with Fonts
- 1.3.6. Working width SVG Sprite
1.1. Installation
1.1. Installation
1.1.1. Node version manager
Install NVM
nvm use
1.1.2. Install Sass
Go to sass-lang.com/install for installation in command line.
1.1.3. Install Yarn
Go to https://yarnpkg.com/docs/install
1.1.4. Install Gulp
Go to https://gulpjs.com/
1.1.5. Download the dependencies NPM
yarn install
1.1.6. Install Tooling
Use Prettier for clean your JS / SCSS files.
Plugin for IDE :
1.2. Commands
1.2.1. Run project
yarn dev
1.2.2. Build project
yarn build
1.2.3. Optimize SVG
yarn svg
1.2.4. Clean project
yarn reset
1.3. How it works
1.3.1. Works with SCSS
Use atomic design design for orgaznise components
The SCSS files are located in ./src/assets/scss
Example SCSS hierarchy :
- base/ : Unclassed HTML elements (type selector)
- atoms/ : Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter (button, input, etc.)
- molecules/ : Molecules are groups of atoms bonded together and are the smallest fundamental units of a compound (from, cards, etc.)
- layout/ : Layout are the basic elment for build layout.
- page/ : Pages are specific instances of templates
- tools/ : Default mixin and functions
- utils/ : Helpers and overrides
- _settings.scss : Global variables
- app.scss : Main stylesheet
Use the BEM namming convention.
1.3.2. Works with Pug templating
The PUG files are located in ./src/template
- layout : layout of html files generated
- mixin : for reusable pattern
- pages : the content of html files generated
- partial : includes of html pattern
- config.pug : global variables
1.3.3. Works with JavaScript
The Javascript files are located in ./src/assets/js
Use the ES6 syntaxe Babel convert it in ES5 for you via webpack.
1.3.4. Working with Images
The Image files are located in ./src/assets/img
Accepted file formats : - jpg - png - gif - svg
1.3.5. Working with Fonts
The font files are located in ./src/assets/font
1.3.6. Working width SVG Sprite
The svg files for sprite are located in ./src/assets/icons
Uncomment the line 11 of the file ./src/template/layout/base.pug
to include them in the basic layout.
A PUG mixin is planned for use:
+icon('name-of-file', 'my-css-class')