pebble-linux-remote copied to clipboard
Pebble C-app to send app-messages and python side scripts to receive those on linux
Control your linux computer with your pebble watch!
Pebble C-app to send app-messages directly over bluetooth to your linux bluetooth receiver. No android / ios device required - and you do not need to hook the computer to same public wifi as your phone to get it working - which might be nice if you are on a conference.
But if you want to use wifi to command your computer, you can (thanks to @chroonos)! Just update the configuration to use websocket as transport method.
Configurable: example key press "page down" and "page up" so that you can use pebble as slide-change device. Or configure the select key to lock the screen! Or run a gpio pin change and control your home automation!
Currently pebble provides at most 9 separate clicks, that can be turned of if not needed. The 9 comes from combination of "UP", "DOWN", "SELECT" x "SINGLE CLICK", "DOUBLE CLICK", "LONG CLICK"
Automatic configuration & ping when connected to python script -- vibes & color change on "connection acquired" and "connection failed".
Start app on the pebble, start python script on the linux.
pebble-linux-remote/host_python$ python ./default.ini
INFO:root:Connection ok, entering to active state..
When the pebble-app enters connection ok state, it inverts the colors: when connected the background is white, when disconnected the background is black.
You probably want to modify the default.ini to change the command configuration. When the python script starts up, it sends the configuration (what buttons are in use) to pebble. Currently unsubscribing from events requires re-starting the app on the pebble (since i did not find a easy way to unsubscribe from click event listener).
You might want to disable the multi-click handlers on some buttons to get faster sending of the single click events (When enabled Pebble must wait after single click for timeout if the second click to happen).
Example config:
transport = bluetooth ; Either 'bluetooth' or 'websocket'
device = /dev/rfcomm0 ; bluetooth transport
;device = ws:// ; websocket transport -- enable developer connection on your phone!
uuid = 7f1742c48dc94bb7ac8b309faf58985a
UP,SINGLE = xdotool key Page_Up ; Emulate page down key press event -- apt-get install xdotool
DOWN,SINGLE = xdotool key Page_Down ; Emulate page down key press event
UP,LONG = espeak "DO A BARREL ROLL!" ; apt-get install espeak to get sound out!
DOWN,LONG = espeak "You pressed DOWN with LONG"
; Enabling the double click will make single click register slower, since pebble must wait
; for the other click.
; DOWN,MULTI = espeak "Noup! Its chuck tesla"
SELECT,SINGLE = espeak "Problem officer"
SELECT,LONG = xdotool key ctrl+alt+l ; Lock the screen by pressing ctrl+alt+l
Known issues
There is no verification/autentication of the messages from the pebble -> SECURITY ISSUES -> USE WITH CAUTION
I did not manage to get the bluetooth connection to work with 3.13 kernel, seems like it might be some regression. I updated my kernel to 3.15RC2 and after that the connection works.
On Kubuntu 15.04 there was modem-manager connecting to the bluetooth device, it will mess up connection.
The bluetooth connection seems to fail sometimes at the python start-up. Re-starting the python script / and / or disable-enable toggle on the pebble helps. NOTE: If the pebble is connected to other device (say your android phone) the connection does not work. You can have multiple pairings on the pebble, it works fine, but at least my experience was that simultanius connections do not work.
You need to install:
- python script to handle the app messages
- do the bluetooth binding pebble-linux
- install the pebble app
Part 1: Installing Python script
Option 1.A: Installing with virtualenv
virtualenv ./env/
pip install -r requirements.txt
Option 1.B: Installing with host python
- Tested with Ubuntu 14.04
apt-get install python-enum34 python-six python-serial python-websocket
Part 2: Preparing OS stuff
If you are using bluetooth transport
- Do normal bluetooth pairing with the device. It worked out of the box for me.
- do
sudo rfcomm bind 0 00:00:00:00:00:00 1
(replace the 00 with real pebble bluetooth address) - Add your normal user to 'dialup' or similar group that has write permission to the rfcomm device
If you are using websocket transport
- Make sure your pebble is connected to your phone and your phone is in the same local network as your pc
- Enable developer connection in the settings menu of the pebble app (GadgetBridge does not yet support developer connenction)
Part 3: Installing the Pebble part
- Install the app from store or compile it on your own.
- No configuration required.
Option 3.A: Compiling
Compiled with Pebble SDK3.0, simple as pebble build && pebble install
Option 3.b: From the store
Search for pebble-linux-remote and install it.
Testing & Bug & Support
- Currently no automatical tests are in place.
- Use github for issue reporting & tracking
- Tested enviroments:
- Ubuntu 14.04 with updated kernel 3.15.0-031500rc2 - internal usb adapter 0a5c:21e1
- Kubuntu 15.04 / 3.19.0-32-generic and 3.19.8-031908-generic - internal usb adapter 0a5c:21e1 (Note: ModemManager disturbing!)
- Pebble firmware version used 2.9.1
Used libraries
- All of the communications with Pebble watch are handled with libpebble2. This repository has stripped down version of it included, so that one is able to use standard package manager (apt-get). One should be able to replace the stripped down libpebble2 shipped with this repository with the original libpebble2 or with the
pip install libpebble2.
In case you want to use the real thing - just remove the libpebble2 directory from the this repository source.