django-auth-ldap-ad copied to clipboard
Django authentication backend for LDAP with Active Directory
The project is not maintained. Use with extreme caution. Issues:
- Django version is old and one should upgrade this package for later django version. Please make pull request.
- There is good start on writing the whole thing in python3 that was not merged since it was not tested on target.
- Security advisory GHSA-3gh2-xw74-jmcw (high severity) is effective on this repository.
Django authentication backend for LDAP with Active Directory
I created this project since i could not find proper way of doing binding with SASL using django-auth-ldap.
Problem is that not all AD setups support TLS. So if SASL is not used the password and username when doing the bind is sent cleartext over the network. SASL provides some security with for example DIGEST-MD5.
While adding support for django-auth-ldap would have been one option, the library looked too heavy for my usecase, and googling gave me messy looking snippet from snippets i decided to make minimal AD-backend of my own.
Copy the package to your django project root and add it to INSTALLED apps
Required packages: ldap and mockldap for testing. See .travis.yml for how to build is done in CI service.
Modify your settings to contain authentication backend, for example
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ('django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', 'django-auth-ldap-ad.backend.LDAPBackend')
AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = ["ldap://localhost:389","ldap://"]
AUTH_LDAP_SEARCH_DN = "DC=mydomain,DC=org"
# Groups on left side are memberOf key values. If all the groups are found in single entry, then the flag is set to
# True. If no entry contains all required groups then the flag is set False.
"is_superuser" : ["CN=WebAdmin,DC=mydomain"],
# Above example will match on entry "CN=WebAdmin,DC=mydomain,OU=People,OU=Users"
# Above will NOT match "CN=WebAdmin,OU=People,OU=Users" (missing DC=mydomain).
"is_staff" : ["CN=Developer,DC=mydomain","CN=Tester,DC=mydomain"]
# True if one of the conditions is true.
# All people that are to be staff are also to belong to this group
"AdminGroup" : AUTH_LDAP_USER_FLAGS_BY_GROUP["is_staff"],
# Map django user preferences
"first_name": "givenName",
"last_name": "sn",
"email": "mail"
I use tcpdump for checking what happens on the wire and and ldapsearch to debug the AD server functionality.
For example:
ldapsearch -LLL -h "ldapdomainhere" -U "myuserid" -w "mypasswordid" -Y DIGEST-MD5 -b "dc=mydomain,dc=org" "SAMAccountName=myusername"
What it does?
for server in configured_servers:
try to open connection and do bind
-> except: server is down -> continue
-> except: bad credentials -> return no login from LDAP backend
try to dosearch and update django user preferences from ldap search response
-> except: no entry found -> return no login from LDAP backend
Default : { ldap.OPT_REFERRALS : 0}
Set Ldap connection optios, as in python-ldap options. For the default option, see python ldap faq question 12.
Defaut : ['ldap://localhost'],
List of servers to be used. Looped until one response is received (negative or positive).
Example : ['ldap://','ldap://']
Defaut : { }
Dictonary of 'flag_name' : list of 'required groups'. Set user flags (True/False) based on if requirement is met.
The requirement is set met for 'required groups', if the (comma separated) groups are found from single memberOf field entry. If one of the list entries meets the requirement, then the list requirement is met. That is: on match, return True, otherwise, return False.
Example : { 'is_superuser' : [ 'cn=admins,cn=website,ou=IT', 'cn=sysadmin,ou=IT' ] }
Defaut : { }
Dictonary of 'group name' : list of 'required groups'. Adds user to the group if all requirement is met (see USER_FLAGS_BY_GROUP).
Defaut : { }
Dictonary of 'django user attribute' : 'ldap user attribute' . Maps given ldap attributes to django user attributes.
Defaut : 0
Set python LDAP trace level, see python-ldap
Defaut : "DIGEST-MD5"
Set SASL mechanism, see python-ldap manual.
Defaut : "DC=localdomain,DC=ORG"
When performing the user search what to use as startpoint, corresponds to '-b' options in ldapsearch
Default : 'SEARCH_FILTER' : "(SAMAccountName=%(user)s)"
With what to filter the search results.
Python 3?
Sorry no luck. Seems like python-ldap package is not python3 compatible, and rather than porting it some people made new library ldap3, that is something totally different. As i am no longer working actively with this project i am not doing the porting. But please, if you want i would be more than happy to merge such changes.
Tested with
- There is CI running on the repo at -- its currently testing with Python 2.7 and with Django-1.4 and Django-1.8 (both beeing LTS).
- Used in production enviroment in 2015 : Django 1.4 and Debian 7