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My solution codes for 400+ algorithms and data structure problems. Most common and famous interview placement questions from Data Structures and Algorithms.
Interview Preparation
My Solution code for most common and famous Data Structures and Algorithms problems.
This contains the codes that I wrote while studying Algorithms and Data structures.Also later on I added commonly asked Interview questions also, so you might see different solutions for the same questions as I merged all the codes together , so some are old and might contain some bugs. The files have been arranged topic wise.
Most of the questions here are taken from geeksforgeeks, Elements of Programming Interview, Karumanchi etc. I highly recommend reading Elements of Programming Interview if you want to see some really elegant solutions, written in C++14, Karumanchi for C users. You can also try Interviewbit for practice.
The solution for the questions have been done mostly using C++14, though there might be some codes in C also.
The questions are the most commonly asked and must know algorithm and data structure questions asked in most of the big Tech. companies.
There are 400+ coding problems.
NOTE: You may find multiple solution codes for the same problem.
Advanced Difficulty / STL with C++14:
For those who want to learn how to use STL for DS & Algo, you can check this repo:
EPI solutions repo.
Here you will find even difficult problems solved using STL. The problems are
from Elements of Programing Interviews book. The codes are full of comments for easier explanantion.