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noUiSlider (10.1.0): Slider was already initialized.

Open tDuy opened this issue 4 years ago • 12 comments

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I use panel index to scroll to a specific panel in my questionnaire. I also create a custom noUiSlider widget. In 1.5.11 and later versions, I get this error: Uncaught Error: noUiSlider (10.1.0): Slider was already initialized. But this error does not happen in 1.5.10 and below. I tried to destroy the previous noUiSlider element but it still did not work. Could you take a look at my code? Thanks.

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  • browser: Chrome
  • browser version: 80.0.3987.132
  • surveyjs platform: React
  • surveyjs version: 1.5.11

tDuy avatar Mar 19 '20 10:03 tDuy

I'm getting the same problem; were you able to resolve this?

I tried forcing the package.json include for my project to be - "nouislider": "14.2.0" - but the SurveyJS widgets seems to pull down the 10.1.0 release regardless.

billymccafferty avatar Apr 09 '20 00:04 billymccafferty

Transeferred to the corresponding repo

tsv2013 avatar Apr 09 '20 06:04 tsv2013

My code works fine in SurveyJs 1.5.10, but it breaks in 1.5.11 and above. Updating to NoUISlider 14.2.0 in my custom widget doesn't fix this.

tDuy avatar Apr 09 '20 07:04 tDuy

@tDuy Thank you for the additional info. I'm working with this issue right now. It duplicated in this thread also -

tsv2013 avatar Apr 09 '20 08:04 tsv2013

I've patched this function and your plunker now works ok for me:

function getNoUiSlider(element) {
  if (!element)
    return null;

  // I've added this check for the case if the element holds the noUiSlider instance
  if(element.noUiSlider) {
    return element.noUiSlider;

  const $ = window["$"];
  var target = $(element).children(".noUi-target");
  // console.log("target", target)
  // console.log("el", element)
  if (target.length) {
    return target[0].noUiSlider;

  return null;

The function getNoUiSlider seems like a custom one. We don't have similar function in our original code -

tsv2013 avatar Apr 09 '20 09:04 tsv2013

I've added original nouislider implementation ( into your plunker ( and also got the "Slider was already initialized. " error.

At this moment I've got the following. For some reason then you are using layout effect function, we've got unexpected call sequence: SurveyCustomWidget.prototype.componentDidUpdate is called before the SurveyCustomWidget.prototype.componentWillUnmount

and indeed leads to the "Slider was already initialized" error and "getNoUiSlider" check.

tsv2013 avatar Apr 09 '20 09:04 tsv2013

For now you can fix the "getNoUiSlider" function as I wrote. On our side we'll investigate the issue.

tsv2013 avatar Apr 09 '20 09:04 tsv2013

I'm not sure, but this can be related. Because in your sample you are changing the pages. I leave it here as a note.

tsv2013 avatar Apr 09 '20 10:04 tsv2013

@tsv2013 Please let me know once you resolve the issue. I have the same error.

ruby0888 avatar Apr 10 '20 17:04 ruby0888

v15.5.1, Same issue.

k-msalehi avatar May 01 '22 08:05 k-msalehi

same issue

rlahfld54 avatar May 23 '22 05:05 rlahfld54

window.onload = () => { const skipSlider = document.getElementById("skipstep"); noUiSlider.create(skipSlider, { range: { min: 0, "10%": 10, "20%": 20, "30%": 30, // Nope, 40 is no fun. "50%": 50, "60%": 60, "70%": 70, // I never liked 80. "90%": 90, max: 100, }, start: [0], step: 5, }); };

rlahfld54 avatar May 23 '22 05:05 rlahfld54