wonderful-bing-wallpaper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wonderful-bing-wallpaper copied to clipboard

🌅 Simple bing daily wallpaper API lib for Node.js.


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🌅 Simple Bing daily wallpaper API lib for Node.js.

  • 简单:1 个接口
  • 稳定:与 Bing 同在
  • 轻巧:不依赖任何第三方


StackOverflow - Is there a way to get Bing's photo of the day?



npm i wonderful-bing-wallpaper --save
const WonderfulBingWallpaper = require('wonderful-bing-wallpaper')

// get support resolutions list
const resolutions = WonderfulBingWallpaper.getResolutions()

// instance
const wbw = new WonderfulBingWallpaper({ /* options */ })

// update default options
wbw.setOptions({ /* options */ })

// get daily wallpapers
wbw.getWallpapers({ /* params */ }).then(wallpaperJSON => {
  console.log('got wallpaperJSON data', wallpaperJSON)
  console.log('got humanizeWallpapers data - Array', wbw.humanizeWallpapers(wallpaperJSON))
  console.log('got humanizeWallpapers data - Object', wbw.humanizeWallpapers(wallpaperJSON[0]))


new WonderfulBingWallpaper(options?: object): instance

wbw.setOptions(options?: object)

@return WonderfulBingWallpaper instance

recommended option field(推荐设置的字段)

params type required default desc
size Number false 1 how many images - 几张图片 size <= 8
day Number false 0 how days before - 往前推几天 day <= 7
format String false js result data format - 返回数据的格式 js/xml/rss
local String false en-US your location - 你想拿到什么语言的版本(国内 zh-CN

not recommended option field(非必要情况不要设置的字段)

params type required default desc
ensearch number false 0 0 / 1
1 则查询全量数据,包括如图片描述、故事、封面文字...开启后会被强制切换为全英文(实际 bing 拿的美版数据)
host String false www.bing.com bing wallpaper api host
你想在哪个服务器拿数据(国内 cn.bing.com
wallpaperApi String false /HPImageArchive.aspx bing wallpaper api path
如果哪天 Bing 改接口了你可以手动设置一下
resolution String false 1920x1200 humanizeWallpapers second param default resolution
使用 humanizeWallpapers 方法时第二参数的默认值

wbw.getWallpapers(params?: object): array

@return wallpaper array

the same as option fields.

wbw.humanizeWallpapers(wallPapers: object | array, resolution?: string): object | array

@return humanized wallpaper data.

  humanizedCopyrightUrl: string,
  humanizedSearchUrl: string,
  humanizedImageUrl: string,
  humanizedResolutionUrl: string
params type required default desc
wallPapers Array/Object true null wallpaper images
resolution String false {instance}.options.resolution wallpaper resolution


yarn dev
yarn lint
yarn test
yarn build
npm run test
