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Tracker for Houdini APIs in different browsers

Is Houdini Ready Yet?



$ npm install
$ npm run build

will build index.html. Commit that file to master and update gh-pages branch to the same commit. By pushing to the repository, the live version of the website is updated.


All the data for the table is in data.json.

The browsers are defined in the browser property. The logo for the browser must be in the logos directory and must be named ${browser.tag}.svg.

The APIs are defined in teh api property.

Support for each browser/API pair is defined in the status property. completeness can be one of no, intent, development, partially or yes. The optional since property should tell which version of the browser has support for the API enabled. The optional has_details property controls whether the “Details” button should be shown.

If a “Details” button is clicked, a “dialog” is openend, showing the contents of partials/${api.tag}_${browser.tag}.html.


Apache 2