practical_seq2seq icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
practical_seq2seq copied to clipboard

ImportError: No module named datasets.twitter

Open SamirMatkar opened this issue 7 years ago • 3 comments


getting below error on running "03-Twitter-chatbot.ipynb" in notebook, the file is exists (

ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) in () 3 4 # preprocessed data ----> 5 from datasets.twitter import data 6 import data_utils

ImportError: No module named datasets.twitter

SamirMatkar avatar May 09 '17 10:05 SamirMatkar

i have same issue.... but i am running the .py version of it.... please help!

fallenangel3k avatar May 19 '17 02:05 fallenangel3k

you might be using python 2.7. If that is the case create a file inside datasets folder

Bazarovay avatar May 21 '17 15:05 Bazarovay

Hi, Use python 3.5 to overcome the issue

bandarikanth avatar Dec 26 '17 05:12 bandarikanth