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This Repository contains the list of Free Professional Certification and Free course completion Certification. Don't forget to ⭐ the Repo


The GitHub repository provides a curated list of free IT certification programs, including both professional certificates and course completion certificates, as well as online badges offered by various organizations and companies. This repository contains free certification programs and badges from various sources. The repository is updated regularly. Overall, this repository is a helpful resource for anyone looking to improve their skills.

  • Basics of Web Development by Masai School
  • Html attributes and tags by Great Learning
  • Html course for beginners by Simplilearn
  • Html Tutorial by Testbook
  • Html Introduction by Sololearn

  • CSS
  • Introduction to animation by Masai School
  • Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet by Masai School
  • Css by Great Learning
  • Css Propertise by Great Learning
  • CSS Introduction by Sololearn
  • Css by Hackerrank

  • Css Frameworks,Libraries or Related to Css
  • Bootstrap css by Masai School
  • Bootstrap for beginner by Mindluster
  • Bootstrap5 by Mindluster

  • Tailwind
  • Tailwind by Mindluster

  • JavaScript
  • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures by Freecodecamp
  • Introduction To JavaScript by Great Learning
  • Building Games Using JavaScript By Great Learning
  • Introduction to Javascript by Sololearn
  • Javascript Intermediate by Sololearn
  • Game Development by Soloearn
  • Vanilla Javascript by Mindluster
  • Javascript basic by Hackerrank
  • Javascript Intermediate by Hackerrank

  • Javascript Frameworks,Libraries or Related to Javascript

  • Learn materialui by mindluster

  • Vue.js
  • Introduction to Vue and Firebase by Masai School
  • Vue js by Mindluster

  • D3
  • Data visualization using D3
  • D3 by Mindluster

  • React
  • React by Freecodecamp
  • React js Tutorial by Great Learning
  • React+Redux by Sololearn
  • React with projects by Mindluster
  • Fullstack react with django by Mindluster
  • React hooks by Mindluster
  • Reactjs for beginner by Simplilearn
  • React basic by Hackerrank
  • React JS by Infosys Springboard
  • Hands-On React Applications with React Hooks by Infosys Springboard
  • React Recipes by Infosys Springboard
  • Learning React by Infosys Springboard
  • React Front to Back by Infosys Springboard

  • Python
  • Introduction to Python by Masai School
  • Python for Beginners by Simplilearn
  • Applied Data Science with python by Simplilearn
  • Learn python by kaggle
  • Python for non Programmers by Great Learning
  • Web Scrapping with Python by Great Learning
  • Introduction to Python by Sololearn
  • Intermediate Python by Sololearn
  • Python Data Structure by Sololearn
  • Python basic by Hackerrank

  • Java
  • Java Programming by My Great Learning
  • Java by oracle
  • Java Training by Simplilearn
  • Building Game using Java by Great Learning
  • Introduction to java by Sololearn
  • Java Intermediate by Sololearn
  • java course by Data flair
  • java Basics skills fullstack by Simplilearn
  • java fullstack by Simplilearn
  • Basic of Java by Hackerrank

  • C
  • Introduction to C by Sololearn
  • Intermediate C by Sololearn
  • C for beginners by Great Learning
  • C course by Simplilearn
  • c beginner by Mindluster

  • C#
  • Introduction to C# by Sololearn
  • C# intermediate by Sololearn
  • C# basic by Hackerrank
  • Foundational C# with Microsoft

  • C++
  • C tutorial by Great Learning
  • Introduction to C++ by Sololearn
  • Intermediate C++ by Sololearn
  • Learn C++ by Simplilearn
  • Advanced c++ by Simplilearn

  • TypeScript
  • TypeScript by Masai School
  • Learn Typescript by Simplilearn
  • Typescript by Mindluster

  • Go
  • Go programming language by Great Learning
  • Go by Sololearn
  • Go by Mindluster
  • Golang basic by Hakcerrank
  • Golang intermediate by Hackerrank

  • PHP
  • PHP by Great learning
  • PHP by Sololearn
  • php frontend and backend by Mindluster
  • Intro to PHP by Simplilearn

  • Swift
  • Swift tutorial by Great Learning
  • Swift4 by Sololearn
  • Swift ios by Mindluster
  • Build basic swift apps by Mindluster

  • Springboot
  • Learn springboot by Mindluster

  • Kotlin
  • Kotlin by Sololearn

  • Ruby
  • Ruby By Sololearn

  • Angular
  • Angular7 for beginners by Great Learning
  • Advanced angular by Great Learning
  • Basic Angular by Simplilearn
  • Angular with firebase by Mindluster
  • Angular with Nestjs
  • Angular Basic by Hackerrank
  • Angular Intermediate by Hackerrank

  • Laravel
  • Laravel from scratch by Mindluster
  • Laravel 6 by Mindluster

  • SQL
  • Basics of SQL by Masai School
  • Introduction to Sql by simplilearn
  • Intro to sql by kaggle
  • Advanced sql by kaggle
  • learn sql by oracle
  • Sql for beginners by Testbook
  • Sql Projects for Beginners by Great Learning
  • Advanced sql by Great Learning
  • Introduction to sql by Sololearn
  • Intermediate Sql by Sololearn
  • Sql basic by Hackerrank
  • Sql Intermediate by Hackerrank
  • Sql Advanced by Hackerrank

  • MongoDB
  • MongoDb Tutorial by Great Learning
  • Mongodb by Mindluster
  • MongoDB by Simplilearn

  • MySql
  • Mysql Basics by Greatlearning
  • Python My sql

  • PostgreSQL

  • Redis
  • Redis by Redis

  • Cassandra
  • Cassandra Tutorial by Great Learning

  • MariaDB
  • Maria By Mindluster
  • Maria DB Course - Beginners to Advanced by Infosys Springboard

  • Machine Learning
  • Beginner’s Guide to Machine learning by simplilearn
  • Intro to machine learning by kaggle
  • Intermediate machine learning by Kaggle
  • Machine Learning with python
  • Machine learning field by Mindluster

  • UI/UX
  • UI/UX for Beginners by Great Learning
  • UX Portfolio by Great Learning

  • Frontend
  • basics of frontend development part1 by Masai School
  • basics of frontend development part2 by Masai School
  • Responsive Web Design by freecodecamp
  • Front End Development Libraries by freecodecamp
  • Frontend Development by Simplilearn

  • Backend
  • Back End Development and APIs by freecodecamp

  • Node.js
  • Nodejs by Mindluster
  • Full Nodejs with js by Mindluster
  • Getting Started With Nodejs by Simplilearn
  • Nodejs basic by Hackerrank
  • Nodejs Intermediate by Hackerrank

  • Django
  • Django Programming by Mindluster
  • Create a Blog with Django by Mindluster

  • Docker
  • Basics of Docker by Simplilearn
  • Docker best practices by Great Learning
  • Docker orchestration by Great Learning
  • Docker for Intermediate level by Great Learning
  • Docker from zero by Mindluster

  • AWS
  • Aws restart by AWS
  • Aws cloud for Beginners by Kodekloud
  • Aws for beginners by Great Learning
  • Aws for beginners by Mindluster
  • Getting Started with aws Simplilearn
  • Learn Aws basics by Edureka!

  • Git
  • Git and Github Tutorial by Great Learning
  • Git by Mindluster
  • Git Training by Simplilearn

  • Linux
  • Linux Tutorial by Great Learning
  • Linux Challenges by Kodekloud
  • Linux/mac by Mindluster

  • Free Certification Provided by Government of India and Private Companies Partnerships

    Fires can't be made with dead embers, nor can enthusiasm be stirred by spiritless men. Enthusiasm in our daily work lightens effort and turns even labor into pleasant tasks.

    ~ James Baldwin



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