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Code for Goal-Aware Prediction: Learning to Model what Matters

Goal-Aware Prediction: Learning to Model What Matters (GAP)

Code for the paper Goal-Aware Prediction: Learning to Model what Matters. Suraj Nair, Silvio Savarese, Chelsea Finn. ICML 2020



Python 3.6

Install the environments by running pip install -e . under the gap_envs directory. This depends on mujoco-py and Metaworld being installed. Set the path to the gap_envs assets as export ASSETS_PATH=<PATH>/gap_envs/assets/

Evaluate a Pretrained GAP

To run pretrained GAP models with planning on the control tasks, run eval_gap.py for example:

python eval_gap.py --id door_task_1 --task_name 1 --env GapBlock-v0 --hidden-size 256 --models pretrained_gap_models/gap_block.pth 
python eval_gap.py --id door_task_3 --task_name 3 --env GapDoor-v0 --hidden-size 256 --models pretrained_gap_models/gap_door.pth 

Generate Data

To generate a new dataset using random exploration: In the block env run

python collect_data.py --id data_block_env --env GapBlock-v0  --seed-episodes 2000

and in the door and blocks env run

python collect_data.py --id data_door_env --env GapDoor-v0  --seed-episodes 2000

Train GAP

Train a GAP model on the generated dataset

python train_gap.py --id trained_gap_door --env GapDoor-v0 --experience-replay results/data_door_env/experience.pth --hidden-size 256 --batch-size 32 --chunk-size 30

Parts of this code are build off this implementation of PlaNet.