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Policy network penalized incorrectly on invalid moves

Open Timeroot opened this issue 6 years ago • 15 comments

Currently, the policy network is actively trained to output 0 on a move whenever it's invalid. The move is never taken, so target_pi's is zero there, and this enters into the loss function as a result. As a result, the policy network will be saying as much about "How often is this move legal" as it does about "Is this a good move" -- which is almost certainly hurting performance.

The correct action would be to manually mask out the result in, right after getting the output from returns F.log_softmax(pis), and then the entries there should be manually set to zero if it's not a valid move. This will prevent gradients from propagating back there.

Timeroot avatar Aug 13 '18 20:08 Timeroot

Err, a correction: it should be masked with valid moves, and then re-normalized. Otherwise it's not changing anything.

Timeroot avatar Aug 13 '18 21:08 Timeroot

For reference: I fixed this bug in my local copy, and it appears to be learning several times faster . Passing in the valid moves requires adapting a lot of the interfaces though, so, changing all the game implementations to do the masking. And my local copy is a huge mess, so I don't have anything I can easily offer as a PR.

But as some reference as to what I did, in, the trainingExamples need to be extended to include what the valid moves are, so that's got something like


        pi = self.best_mcts.getActionProb(canonicalBoard, temp=temp)
        valids =, 1)
        bs, ps = zip(*, pi))
        _, valids_sym = zip(*, valids))
        sym = zip(bs,ps,valids_sym)

        for b,p,valid in sym:
            trainExamples.append([b, self.curPlayer, p, valid])

        action = np.random.choice(len(pi), p=pi)
        board, self.curPlayer =, self.curPlayer, action)

        r =, self.curPlayer)

        if r!=0:
            return [(x[0],x[2],r*((-1)**(x[1]!=self.curPlayer)),x[4]) for x in trainExamples]`

whereas obviously the ideal thing would be adapting getSymmetries to also permute valids, instead f calling it twice like I do.

Then needs to be changed to pass the valid moves in through nnet.predict, as in

valids =, 1) self.Ps[s], v = self.nnet.predict((canonicalBoard,valids))

Then needs to have valids added a value to unpack, in both predict and train, and once prepped this should get passed in to the net -- so changing self.nnet(boards) to self.nnet((boards, valids)).

Finally, needs to be changed to use the valids as a mask. So forward will start

def forward(self, boardsAndValids): s, valids = boardsAndValids

and include pi = valids * pi after computing pi. Obviously and need to appropriately changed in all libraries' implementations, for all games; and if you don't want to do the ugly getSymmetries hack like above, then that means also changing the convention for that in and all corresponding game definitions.

Timeroot avatar Aug 14 '18 06:08 Timeroot

"For reference: I fixed this bug in my local copy, and it appears to be learning several times faster ." @Timeroot


Marcin1960 avatar Aug 15 '18 08:08 Marcin1960

I realized that my wording above was somewhat vague. pi = valids * pi works, but then you can no longer use log_softmax, since that has the normalization inside of it. So you'll likely need to sacrifice the numerical stability of log_softmax (which is probably fine), and replace

pi = log_softmax(pi)


pi = torch.exp(pi) pi = valids * pi pi = pi / torch.sum(pi)

The alternative is:

pi -= (1-valids)*1000 pi = log_softmax(pi)

which just reduces the log-probabilities to such a negative value as to be effectively zero.

Timeroot avatar Aug 15 '18 20:08 Timeroot

@Timeroot Interesting. Although I am an absolute beginner, I already had suspicions in the same direction. I am going to try and implement your ideas in my own game for which I have largely used this git. I am curious about the result. It would be useful if you made the code that you created in one way or another accessible.

keesdejong avatar Aug 30 '18 06:08 keesdejong


I'm almost there, but I have a problem with implementing your idea in tensorflow. Maybe you can help me. I have a problem with this piece of your description:

replace pi = log_softmax (pi) with pi = torch.exp (pi) pi = valids * pi pi = pi / torch.sum (pi) The alternative is: pi - = (1-valids) * 1000 pi = log_softmax (pi)

In tensorflow.OthelloNet this should be around line 36: self.pi = Dense (s_fc2, self.action_size) self.prob = tf.nn.softmax (self.pi) self.v = Tanh (Dense (s_fc2, 1)) self.calculate_loss ()

I am new in this matter. Can you tell me how to do this for Tensorflow?

keesdejong avatar Sep 03 '18 14:09 keesdejong

@keesdejong I'm looking forward for the confirmation that this trick can speed up the learning. I have my own implementation of the game of checkers here It's based on this repo so I could implement changes/make PR to both repos in the case it really helps.

evg-tyurin avatar Sep 04 '18 06:09 evg-tyurin

Any news on when this is going to be updated for the main branch? Also, how much faster is it?

aletote avatar Sep 19 '18 01:09 aletote

I followed your fix and got small negative pi loss (around -0.00xx). Is this normal ? edit. now i'm using alternative code and it produces positive pi loss.

51616 avatar Nov 16 '18 19:11 51616

@51616 If you made a fix, please upload PR

jl1990 avatar Nov 20 '18 20:11 jl1990

@jl1990 i use this equation instead. pi -= (1-valids)*1000 pi = log_softmax(pi) this should produce positive pi loss.

51616 avatar Nov 21 '18 19:11 51616

I made a pull with the changes introduced for Othello's Tensorflow implementation. Can someone confirm that these changes are correct? I can add them to the remainder of the games/implementations if that is the case,. As a warning, these changes are not backwards compatible with the saved models in the repository.

Also can someone provide some guidance as to how I would properly cite Timeroot for the changes, since I essentially just implemented what he suggested verbatim?

Here's the pull:

rlronan avatar Mar 08 '20 16:03 rlronan

@rlronan Thank you. I'll see if I find the time to check if it works. And, most importantly, whether it has any effect.

keesdejong avatar Mar 15 '20 07:03 keesdejong

This thread is a bit older, but since its pinned here is an idea: What about putting the information, if a move is invalid, into the p array of the replay list, with a value like -0.001 (like its done with draws)? Then the symmetry functions dont have to be changed (since it works with p) and its downward compatible: the value is close to zero, so the unupdated files for the games will still work.

mha-py avatar Aug 17 '20 12:08 mha-py

Adding my opinion on this (old) thread: I implemented the formula proposed above pi -= (1-valids)*1000 I also implemented this paper (check also the related github repo) with pi = torch.where(valids, pi, -1e8)

The second one results in slightly better results in my game (which has about 50% invalid moves on average), and slightly faster training (~5%) but I didn't tried with Othello though.

cestpasphoto avatar Feb 11 '21 16:02 cestpasphoto