rekit-portal copied to clipboard
Hi, Sir, I have an error in copy-webpack-plugin error in the screenshot below, please help. Thank you.
Hi @JohnHour89 ,
Thanks for reporting this. The repo here has been deprecated. You should clone instead and start rekit-portal there.
Hi @supnate ,
I have already try to run it but it is still have the same error.
Sorry, I should have mentioned you need to install lerna to init the rekit (not in packages/rekit-portal) as a monorepo.
Alternatively, if you just want to simply start rekit-portal, you could edit the webpack-config.js. under rekit-portal folder. Update to the following code:
new CopyWebpackPlugin([
from: '../node_modules/monaco-editor/min/vs',
to: 'vs',
That is, find the correct position of monoco-editor.