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Network Static Analysis is a tool for examining and reporting on conformance issues in network configurations.


This project is not maintained and hasn't been for quite a while. I still think the idea is solid, and I think the implementation is pretty decent, too. However, I don't have time to maintain it, so I'm archiving the repository. Feel free to use the code as-is or for some inspiration, but right now, I don't have the time. Maybe in another life/career/role!


nsa is a static configuration analysis tool for ensuring network device configuration compliance. The software is currently in an ALPHA state. This is what it means for this project:

  • the default CLI tool should always work, but it might break from one commit to another
  • the internal APIs and external plugin APIs are subject to frequent and rapid change
  • the configuration file schemas may change during development, but backwards compatability will be maintained until the project is promoted to beta
  • there is little to no test coverage
  • there is not much documentation

This translates to:

If you're an end user, you should be able to use this throughout the entirety of the Alpha without worrying about new releases fundamentally breaking your usage. Once the project is promoted to beta, you may need to update your configuration file(s) as all previous alpha APIs will be removed prior to beta promotion.

If you're a developer, expect naming and other API changes with little to no backwards compatibility guarantees. Expect the documentation to be the source code itself. Expect a lack of tests to cause internal breakage and unexpected failures.

Quick Start

During the Alpha, this project primarily uses and supports installation with pipenv. Instructions are provided for use if you don't have pipenv, but the resulting installation may have slight differences in dependency versions. The instructions without pipenv also do not include details for creating a virtual environment.

If you have pipenv:

$ git clone
$ cd network-static-analysis
$ pipenv sync
$ pipenv run pip install -e .

If you don't have pipenv:

$ git clone
$ cd network-static-analysis
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .

Create a default configuration in your current directory WITH pipenv:

$ pipenv run nsa init

Create a default configuration in your current directory WITHOUT pipenv:

$ nsa init

This will create a file, nsa.yml, in your current directory. This file contains a default configuration, but you'll need to update it to contain paths to your configuration files and your rules definitions.

Note that running nsa init multiple times will overwrite the nsa.yml file and all of the default rules names without confirmation. Only run the command more than once if you are sure this is what you want.

The default path for config files is /etc/nsa-py/files.d/**/*, while the default path for rules files is /etc/nsa-py/rules.d/**/*. Once you've updated those paths (or placed your files and rules there), you can run nsa with the following command:

WITH pipenv:

$ pipenv run nsa scan

WITHOUT pipenv:

$ nsa scan

And a picture is worth a thousan words, so here is a screenshot of the only check (currently) shipping:


Configuration snippet borrowed from:

Customizing nsa

nsa looks for its configuration file (nsa.yml) in the following places, in order of preference:

  • a location specified by the NSA_FILE environment variable
  • $(pwd)/nsa.yml
  • $HOME/.nsa.yml
  • $(pwd)/nsa.yaml
  • $HOME/.nsa.yaml

nsa does not merge the contents of these files and will use the first file it can find and then stop looking for other locations.

nsa can be customized by defining unique profiles in nsa.yaml.

Guiding Principles

This project started from a desire to have tooling similar to other systems and programming languages that provide static analysis of the code and/or configuration. Some examples of tools in this vein are:

  • shellcheck
  • bandit
  • ansible-lint

For some context and history, see


  • Simple tool for static analysis of network configuration files
  • A standard library of checks that is maintained (preferably by a community)
  • Usable as-shipped for many people, but flexible and extensible enough for those inclined to do so to enable more powerful features and tests


"Non-goals" sometimes deserve a little bit of explanation, so that is below if you're interested. Otherwise, the tl;dr is:

  • Support everything!
  • GUI/Web UI/HTTP API/<Other "modern web" Thing Here>
  • Abstract composability

One of the biggest "non-goals" with this project is providing and/or supporting everything. While it does aim to be pluggable and extendable, it does not try to provide every possible plugin, nor does it try to go to the extreme of making every single item of the plugin configurable.

Another non-goal was providing a web UI. One might eventually be made as another package, but one will likely never be provided directly in this package. I wanted to build a building block.

Finally, although I wanted something composable, I didn't really want to deal with the complexity of abstracting that composability. In other words, the default CLI tool has a very static pipeline of input | parser | output, but I also wanted it to be very easy for someone else to change how that works, adding in extra bits where necessary to achieve the desired effect while still providing some of the plumbing and a standard library of rules.

Design Overview

nsa runs in three stages, and each stage is plugin-based.

1: Input: Obtain configuration data and detect the OS

2: Parser: Go through the configuration data and look for violations

3: Output: Transform the results from the Parser stage in to something else

In Bash, this could be visualized as a pretty simple series of pipes: input | parser | output. However, unlike Bash, these stages are fixed. In other words, it's currently not possible to run stages in a custom order or to create new, custom stages to do additional things with the data. There's a use case for being able to do that, and it may become a feature in the future, but for now, this is sufficient.

Default Plugins

This project ships three default (or reference) plugins, one for each stage in a job.


The glob plugin is an input plugin that reads all configuration files it can find in a given path. It then attempts to determine the operating system based first on some (ostensibly sane) default patterns. Custom patterns for detecting the OS are also permitted and can be configured via YAML. OS detection is important as some violations will only affect certain operating systems (such as the optional NX-OS AES encryption feature).


The lineregex plugin is a parser that reads a list of regex-based rules from files in a specified directory and iterates through every line of every device's configuration to find violations.


The text plugin is an output plugin that takes the data from any parser plugin and prints the results in a more human-readable format on the terminal.

Ideas for Plugins

There are quite a few plugins that I imagine working well. This is an unstructured dump of thoughts and ideas that may not even work or make sense.

1: A ciscoconfparse parser plugin. This could be useful for answering questions like "do all BGP peers have a password configured?"

2: A batfish parser plugin. This can be useful for myriad questions. One potential issue here is that the way nsa currently works is one file at a time, and if you wanted to ask questions that involved multiple devices, then nsa would need some updates to its plugin API.

3: A git input plugin. This would let someone get the configuration files directly from a Git repository (such as an oxidized backup).

4: An ssh input plugin. This would allow someone to retrieve device configurations directly from devices, ensuring the latest copy is being analyzed.

5: An HTML output plugin. This would allow someone to present a web page with pretty output.

6: A JSON output plugin. This could allow someone to run nsa as a service with an API and web app in front of it, allowing on-demand analysis and results in a nice and pretty web UI.

7: An alternate RegEx-based parser (similar to lineregex) that instead stores and retrieves its rules in a database. This could be useful when using nsa to build out a more fleshed out web app.

Finally, nsa isn't limited by just plugins. The default implementation is a CLI tool with a fixed data processing pipeline, but it would be fairly trivial to extend and customize the implementation while still taking advantage of existing plugins and libraries of matches.


A "roadmap" (in loosest terms possible) is presented below. Really, it's just a TODO list. There are no dates associated.


  • update documentation with links to projects mentioned

Requirements for Beta

  • published to pypi
  • change Settings() calls to a variable in nsa.settings
  • ci pipeline
  • =75% test coverage

  • fully documented code
  • documentation on developing and using plugins
  • logging
  • support for warnings
  • defined lifecycles
  • GitHub projects, milestones, etc.
  • lineregex plugin: support ignored device name patterns