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Possible reasons why session doesn't work (for debugging user's app)
When using cookie based auth
- No supertokens.init called
- apiDomain set on the frontend doesn't match the actual API domain - so the interceptor is not called.
not set properly - which prevents frontend from reading the id-refresh-token, which prevents setting that state on the frontend. -
set to*
- which prevents frontend from reading the front-token, which prevents setting that state on the frontend. Even though it's star, it won't work cause of using credentials. - sameSite is none, but user set the cookie secure flag to false.
- Access control allow headers not set properly, failing CORS
- anti-csrf not being provided (either token if that is the mode, or custom header)
- Issues with iframes
- API and website domain do not share the same TLD (for example API is on
and website is not on*
and not
), so Safari will not send cookies even if sameSite isnone
. Switch to using header based auth. - See
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to * which prevents browser from using setCredneitials: true. And if setCrednetials is false, then cookies are not sent.
- Imported from different recipe by mistake.
- Custom interceptor added which messes up refresh APIs. If using axios, they should add their interceptor AFTER both addAxiosInterceptor is called and after supertokens.init is called, this way, even if they are breaking the axios interface, it will still all work
- Cookies have secure attribute in them, but the API domain being queried is HTTP
- User's reverse proxy has a size limit on the response payload / header (can be configured on nginx). This in turn causes the access token from not being sent to the frontend, and the frontend getting a 502 (or another 5xx) error.
- Session being created via an API that is not called by the frontend of the user's app. This can happen in case they are using some third party auth provider that calls their API webhook directly.
- Using
instead of browser fetch even on client side. People might be using node-fetch for server side rendering and then not realising that they are using that for client as well. Our interceptors are added to window.fetch so their node-fetch wouldn't get the interceptors added, preventing a call to the refresh API. - Using sveltekit's fetch instead of window.fetch
- Calling an APi from server side rendering instead of from the client.
- Sometimes, CORS can be a problem during development. To solve this issue, you can ask the user to disable CORS on their browser using
- Access control allow credentials may be false preventing cookies from being sent. This can happen if the frontend interception is not happening, or if the user has manually set that header to false.
- Session.init not called, or being called after using axios / fetch (even though interceptor is being added)
- websiteDomain is set to but website is being loaded on the browser using localhost (or vice versa).
- document.cookie doesn't work. This usually happens in case of electron apps or some other browser emulation tech. In this case, we see infinite refreshes being called. To solve this, we should ask the user to pass their own cookieHandler in the init function call
- Have a proxy in the middle of frontend and backend which strips away necessary headers like cookies. This causes weird behaviour where refresh might return unauthorised and the frontend would clear frontend set cookies, but the backend sAccessToken and stuff still remains..
- sessionScope not correctly set yields sIRTFrontend not being set even after session refreshing returns 401 on first visit.
- cookieDomain not correctly set which yiels access token and others not being attached to apiDomain
- On the frontend, websiteBasePath is set to an incorrect value. This leads the auth page to navigate to some other page than what is expected
- For domains like heroku, if the website domain and api domain are not equal or not a sub domain (disregard the common part), then same site has to be set to none. Note that this will not work on safari. Switch to using header based auth.
- User is using another session management solution like django's built in which returns 401 causing refresh session to be called which returns 200, and then it goes in an infinite loop.
- User is using auto generated client code (from swagger for example), which also seems to add a fetch interceptor. That fetch interceptor probably runs after ours, and if the user gives
credentials: "same-origin",
to the headers for that lib, the cookies won't be sent. - In react native the user may have either accidentally used
or they might be manually adding cookies while replacing existing ones. - The user has explicitly set access-control-expose-headers and their values are incorrect. Their headers override ours. This can cause an issue in which the access token and stuff gets set, but the sIRTFrontend and frontToken on the cookie don't get set.
- The apiDomain and websiteDomain are on a shared domain (like and the api and website are diffrent sub domains of this - but our SDK doesn't recognise that this is a shared domain and sets the cookie same site to lax, even though it should be none.
- Changing of cookie domain value can lead to older session tokens (refresh token) still lingering around in the browser, and if that refresh token gets picked up during session refreshing, then refreshing will always fail - even for new logins. The solution is to clear all cookies in the browser.
- If
returns 403, and the response containsclaimValidationErrors: id: st-ev
, this means that the user needs to go through the email verification flow - Changing cookieDomain on the backend whilst a session exists may lead to having two sAccessTokens which will cause issues like the session not being verified correctly. The solution here is to manually clear the cookies and relogin.
- In iOS, when you open webview in the app, and it has say, cookie like sAccessToken, and the react native app itself has header based auth, then when you make requests in the RN app to the backend, it adds the sAccessToken from the web UI cookie as well! So the request has both, the auth bearer token and the sAccessToken in it. Now, this works fine when there is an auth bearer token, as the backend SDK just uses that. However, if you log out in the RN app, and then when you try and login, the request will have just the sAccessToken. Now if that sAccessToken has expired, then the sign in API will send a 401, and the frontend wont even try and refresh cause it (correctly) thinks that the session doesn’t exist! The way to fix this would be to enforce using header based auth on the backend for mobile apps.
- Dev stored stale access token in memory and is using that in requests instead of reading each time from storage.
- apiBasePath does not match on the frontend and backend:
- This can imply that the refresh cookie is set on a different path, breaking the refresh flow.
- If the inital refresh API call (without a session) is returning a 200 instead of 404, it means that the user's backend is returning 200 for not found routes (which is strange), but it has happened before. This would then mean that the frontend prints the warning of front token is not being able to be set:
Failed to retrieve local session state from cookies after a successful session refresh. This indicates a configuration error or that the browser is preventing cookie writes.
- If the refresh API returns a 500 error -> this implies there are multiple session tokens (which happens cause of cookieDomain change), but the user has forgotten to set the olderCookieDomain config in backend session.init.
- There was a case where the frontend was sending one sAccessToken, but the backend was getting 2 of them. This happened cause of some issue in golang, fiber framework which somehow caused cookies to be duplicated on the backend, and then our middleware saw two cookies instead of one.
- If the user is seeing front-token change on the frontend during api request, (like the user id in it changing, or some claim changing) even though they have not made the change, the issue is usually due to caching. This can be solved by adding a header like
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate');
to your apis. - If using an API gateway, make sure to add
to the existingAccess-Control-Allow-Headers
in the API gateway settings - If you are seeing this error on the backend
The "listener" argument must be of type function. Received an instance of Object
, then see this thread:
Hi there, not sure if this is the right place to inquire but I'm wondering what to do in this case:
API and website domain do not share the same TLD, and Safari will not send cookies even if sameSite is
i.e my web app is served on and my API is available on
do share the same top level domain. Therefore, it should work fine.
Appinfo config related issues
- If the user is seeing a tenant not found error in their api calls, its likely that the apiBasePath is misconfigured (not matching). This can happen if something like
is on the frontend, and/api
is on the backend. This way, theauth
part of the path is considered the tenantid, which probably wont exist. - If using a reverse proxy that strips away part of the path, then be sure to configure apiGatewayPath on the frontend and backend