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Deploy influxdb in cluster mode in kubernetes
Deployment of influxdb cluster in kubernetes
The main goals of the project:
- create influxdb cluster in kubernetes.
- configure influxdb cluster.
- Stress Test influxdb cluster.
- Tune influxdb configs to achieve current usecases.
- [docker-machine] (https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/mac/)
- Local Machine: [kubernetes with OSX] (https://github.com/TheNewNormal/kube-solo-osx) or [kubernetes with vagrant] (http://kubernetes.io/v1.1/docs/getting-started-guides/vagrant.html)
- AWS: [kubernetes with coreos] (https://coreos.com/kubernetes/docs/latest/kubernetes-on-aws.html)
Influxdb version
Deploy influxdb cluster to kubernetes cluster
Create "infra" namespace
$ kubectl create -f ./k8s/infra-namespace.yaml
Set default namespace to "infra"
$ export CONTEXT=$(kubectl config view | grep current-context | awk '{print $2}') $ kubectl config set-context $(CONTEXT) --namespace=<insert-namespace-name-here>
Deploy influxdb service and cluster
- A prebuilt docker image is deployed at: https://hub.docker.com/r/supershal/influxdb/
- deploy influxdb service
$ kubectl create -f ./k8s/influxdb-svc.yaml
- deploy influxdb raft (jury) node
$ kubectl create -f ./k8s/influxdb-raft-rc.yaml
- scale raft node to 3. no more than 3 allowed.
$ kubectl scale --replicas=3 rc/influxdb-raft-rc
- deploy influxdb data nodes
$ kubectl create -f ./k8s/influxdb-peers-rc.yaml
- scale data node to any number. we set it up to 4
$ kubectl scale --replicas=4 rc/influxdb-peers-rc
- deploy test data producers
$ kubectl create -f ./k8s/telegraf-rc.yaml
Deploy grafana service
- deploy grafana service
$ kubectl create -f ./k8s/influxdb-grafana-svc.yaml
- deploy grafana node
$ kubectl create -f ./k8s/influxdb-grafana-rc.yaml
Verify cluster setup
ssh to k8s minion
$ vagrant ssh minion-1 OR $ ssh vagrant@minion-1 # make sure you have set up vagrant config in your ./ssh/config. use vagrant ssh-config command.
locate one of the influxdb container and exec
$ sudo docker ps $ sudo docker exec -it /bin/bash <container_id> /bin/bash
launch influxdb cli and check cluster members
$ influx $ show servers
It should give all members of the cluser something like.
show servers name: data_nodes
id http_addr tcp_addr 4 5 6 7
name: meta_nodes
id http_addr tcp_addr 1 2 3
## Terminate cluster
- delete influxdb service
$ kubectl delete svc influxdb-svc
- delete influxdb rc
$ kubectl delete rc -l app=influxdb
- delete grafana service
$ kubectl delete svc influxdb-grafana-svc
- delete grafana rc
$ kubectl delete rc influxdb-grafana-rc
- delete telegraf(data producers) rc
$ kubectl delete rc telegraf-rc
## Build influxdb docker image
If you are not making any code changes and/or building docker image for influxdb, you can skip this section.
1. Install GO latest version and set up go workspace. [Instructions]
2. Install godep
$ go get -u github.com/tools/godep
3. Restore dependency
$ godep restore
4. Install and test influxdbconfig program locally.
- Build go binary for testing.
$ go build -o influxdblocal ./influxdb/main.go
- Setup kubectl proxy to proxy influxdb api server
$ kubectl proxy --port=9090 &
- test locally.
$ LOCAL_PROXY="http://localhost:9090" INFLUXDB_POD_SELECTORS="app=influxdb" NAMESPACE="infra" influxdblocal test
It will spit out the the influxdb cluster config parameters to console.
4. build influxdbconfig executable from the go program and create docker image for influxdbconfig + influxdb
- Create docker-machine vm and set docker daemon
$ docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox default
$ eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
- build the image
$ ./influxdb/build.sh
This will create image in your docker-machine VM.
5. Upload image to docker hub or directy to k8s-minion.
- (Faster) Copy image directly to k8s minion. Use this method if you frequently building the image.
* One time setup for ssh to minion.
Go to your kubernetes installation and locate Vagrantfile.
$ vagrant ssh-config
Copy output of above command to your ~/.ssh/config file.
* copy the image from docker-machine VM to K8S minion.
$ docker save supershal/influxdb:stresstest | ssh vagrant@minion-1 sudo docker load
- (Slower) push to docker hub.
$ docker push supershal/influxdb:stresstest
## Deploy influxdb cluster to Aws kubernetes cluster
In progress
## Test cases
In progress
## Stress Test cases
In progress
## Useful links
- influxdb clusering:
- Access k8s cluster using apis:
- K8s: developer guide:
- setup developer environment for k8s:
- swagger doc for k8s:
- client library for k8s:
- browse Golang doc and sourcecode for k8s (or any golang project)
* install Dash https://kapeli.com/dash
* load golang docs for any go project. checkout docs for Dash