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overlaping between perimeters and infill lines
Operating system type + version
I think I said it a lot of times but it worth doing it agai: my choice of superslicer is because I have always though is the slicer that gives us the most powerfull amount of config options, and so we can do great things at the slicing time. This would be one of those times: im trying to print a fabric mesh like print on tpu, my objective is done but I have a small problem: using modifiers i print some areas with perimeters and some with no perimeters at all, just infill. But the areas where infill and perimeters meet, are somehow weak because of a weack connection. A screenshot show one of these areas. I have not found, if there is one, a parameter to make primeter and infill paths to overlap more. Is there such parameter?
Is this a new feature request? may be? If such parameter described above doesnt exist, I think it would be usefull to have the abilitily to control overlapping of 2 paths, despite is they are infill or perimeter, in order to creat stronger bondings, specially on those areas where you use modifiers.