Stefan Obermaier

Results 19 comments of Stefan Obermaier

> @superkalt I like your proposal, adding a configurable timeout, default 60 seconds: > > * timeout < orange < 5 * timeout > * 5 * timeout < grey...

> dashboard tools are already available that's the point! what is a scada or hmi? What is FUXA? FUXA is a web-based Process Visualization. OK. FUXA has a lot of...

yes i love the tick stack! grafana to!

let's discuss that first. this is a wish and not a misconduct

#416 please close this Issue

i understand your request! a tag for each loggged user =>

at the moment two users can be logged in at the same time if one of the user changes values, the other user wonders what just happens

> I'm sorry but that was not our request. issues => is a problem of an already existing function request => This is a request for a new feature and...

Entschuldigung! Das hier hat hier nichts zu suchen! ist ein fertiger MQTT Broker den jeder für Testzwecke verwenden kann. Hier kannst du nicht anpassen! Einfach benutzen und gut ist...