I came across the same problem. On several rows, the first item on the left have an incorrect horizontal position. I applied the fix proposed by OceanITs, which seems to...
Understood. I'm not a javascript-wizard.. Perhaps the topicstarter is willing to implement it.
I can confirm the issue is there with a hub present. I have tested every scenario I could think of, and couldn't tie the issue to something obvious. Worth investigation...
> Ok, thanks. I have added some additional debug output (regarding to the power on/off changes) to the code (in my setup) and started it. I will leave it running...
I have tested the new code: - The original issue posted here appears solved (happy happy) - The issue described by skywalker1979 (all great people are born in that year),...
The status going out of sync is not surprising. Your code is a bit aggressive for Domoticz. I would choose to edit the button and give it a off-delay of...
You could try the same with a virtual switch. To make sure its not zwave related > Op 20 aug. 2020 om 15:51 heeft skywalker1979 het volgende geschreven: > >...
> Yes...i did it just now. Same behaviour. > > You don't see it? Is it my system screwed? No one else seeing it? I use the same, without issues.
@sander1988 , I have your your code running for 2 days without any side effects.
> I have created a pull request #219 Several dimmer-devices are unable to set a level after this fix. When I edit the level in Homekit, the level jumps back...