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RTMP server, smart, compact, high performance(c, c++), high concurrency, easy to maintain, easy to deploy, (supports multiple operating systems Windows and Linux, ARM, FreeBSD)
smart_rtmpd description
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smart rtmpd is a streaming media server. It can run on multiple systems ubuntu, centos, freebsd, windows & arm. It is small, independent, easy to deploy, and has high performance. The supported protocols are rtmp, rtsp, srt, webrtc, http, hls, dash, etc.
It has two versions multithreading and coroutine
- support media codec
video codec | audio codec |
h264, h265 | aac |
vp8 ( webrtc ) | opus ( webrtc ) |
- support protocol
client | server | protocol |
srt | smart_rtmpd | rtmp[s], http[s]-flv, ws(s)-flv, http[s]-hls, https[s]-dash, rtsp[s], webrtc, srt |
rtmp[s] | smart_rtmpd | rtmp[s], http[s]-flv, ws(s)-flv, http[s]-hls, https[s]-dash, rtsp[s], webrtc, srt |
rtsp[s] | smart_rtmpd | rtmp[s], http[s]-flv, ws(s)-flv, http[s]-hls, https[s]-dash, rtsp[s], webrtc, srt |
- download url
build ffmpeg support rtmps, see this link:
you can play rtmps with vlc player.
smart rtmpd url format
- right format url
url | description |
rtmp:// | live stream |
rtmp:// | record stream |
rtsp:// | live stream |
rtsp:// | live stream |
srt:// | record stream |
srt:// | record stream |
only support live or rec app tag .
- bad format url
url | description |
rmtp:// | bad format |
rmtp:// | bad format |
rmtp:// | bad format |
rtsp:// | bad format |
srt:// | bad format |
not support abc, sky, xxx or other format app tag !!!!!!!
smart rtmpd live stream
- ffmpeg push rtmp stream
ffmpeg -re -i my.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp://
ffmpeg -re -i my.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp://
ffmpeg -re -i my265.mkv -vcodec libx265 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp://
ffmpeg -re -i my265.mkv -vcodec libx265 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp://
- ffmpeg push rtsp stream
ffmpeg -re -i my.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f rtsp rtsp://
ffmpeg -re -i my.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f rtsp rtsp://
ffmpeg -re -i my265.mkv -vcodec libx265 -acodec aac -f rtsp rtsp://
ffmpeg -re -i my265.mkv -vcodec libx265 -acodec aac -f rtsp rtsp://
- ffmpeg push srt stream
ffmpeg -re -i my.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f mpegts srt://,role=publisher
- ffmpeg play srt stream
ffplay srt://,role=player
- more scripts
smart rtmpd recorder stream
- recorder stream you can use recorder function. change app tag from live to rec, live ---> rec, see below :
ffmpeg -re -i my.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp://
smart rtmpd will generator recorder file in /rec directory
- query recorder list you can browse url :
http request:
http response:
"dirs" :
music & sport is recorder name
- query the specified stream name
http request:
http response:
"dirs" :
day 2022-05-21 & "2022-05-22 has recorder stream
- query the specified video file
http request:
http response:
"files" :
- replay recorder video you can use player replay this video
download file or vod mode :
- you can put a video file into /vod directory, for example: test.mkv
- use player ffplay
- you can make a sub directory in the /vod, for example: /vod/discovery
- put a video file into /vod/discovery directory, for example: space.mkv
- use player play it, ffplay
more web interface, see this link :
nat map mode :
outer user can push stream rtmp://, inner user can play with rtmp://
thirdparty auth url :
see this link : you can modify config.xml file is your auth http server url, if you want push a stream
smart_rtmpd will send http get request
to your auth http server.
if you set
- http url param type
name | description |
http | http request authorization |
rtmp | rtmp request authorization |
rtsp | rtsp request authorization |
srt | srt request authorization |
- http url param role
name | description |
api | from http api interface |
upload | from http upload |
download | from http vod download |
publisher | push stream from rtmp, rtsp, srt |
player | pull stream from rtmp, rtsp, srt, http rec, http flv, hls, dash, webrtc |
if you have below http play request : ( http-flv ) ( http-m3u8 ) ( http-mpd )
smart_rtmpd will send http url auth to auto server :
verify success return HTTP 200 OK, other be failed.
for more safe auth verify :
smart_rtmpd --- http ---> proxy --- https ---> auth server
you can use sample proxy module first process auth request, and then forward request to your auth http server.
build cluster or cdn distribution :
if you have two server
server A (intranet ip:, domain:
server B (intranet ip:, domain:
you can modify policy.xml file in server A:
... ...
<vhost name="rtmp://">
<forward rewrite=""></forward>
if you push stream rtmp:// to server A, the server A will forward this stream to server B,
if you push stream rtmp:// to server A, it is also forard this stream to server B.
user can pull url rtmp:// or rtmp:// from server B,
for many server repeat this proccess or each other forward.
this is call app forward!
forward thirtparty :
if you have rmtp url rtmp://, you cank distribution this stream to other service.
for example : rtmp://, thirtypart server address :
you can modify config.xml file
... ...
... ...
<url name="rtmp://">
<forward rewrite="rtmp://"></forward>
<forward rewrite="rtmps://"></forward>
thirtpart user can play this stream.
this is call url forward!
good luck.
web portal
web browser <-------> nodejs server ( source code ) <----> smart_rtmpd see
web development interface :
web player
you can put all file ( see below url ) to smart_rtmpd html dir input url ,good luck!
smart_webrtc description
download from github.
unzip it, unzip
run smart_webrtc.exe, if your ip is
push rtmp stream to smart_webrtc.exe
ffmpeg.exe -re -i oceans.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -f flv rtmp://
open chrome browse, input url :
in web player edit input, click play button.
pure webrtc description
- Why is it called pure webrtc? We know that the extended version of smart_rtmpd is called smart_webrtc, which already supports the webrtc function; however, the function of webrtc here only refers to push streaming through rtmp, rtsp, srt protocols, and smart_webrtc transcodes the video through the media layer video (h264 ---> vp8 ) And audio (aac ---> opus) to achieve this function, currently only supports H5 streaming in webrtc mode.
The pure webrtc function here is the pure webrtc function, which is parallel to the existing smart_rtmpd function. There is no interaction between them, there is no intercommunication and transcoding. That is to say, rtmp, rtsp, srt are mutually converted, and there is no connection between pure webrtc and them, including signaling and media data.
- What are the advantages of pure webrtc? Pure webrtc functions are all realized through web pages. As long as the browser version supports webrtc functions, it can meet your requirements and further realize your requirements on this basis. This greatly adapts to almost all devices, compatibility issues, and environmental problems are almost no longer obstacles! ! !
Pure webrtc deployment is more convenient, as long as you configure smart_rtmpd and click Run, you only need to open the browser and enter the URL on the front end, and all your needs can be met. This greatly simplifies your various configuration troubles, compatibility issues, and environmental settings, all of which are thrown aside.
- What functions does pure webrtc have? Account login, online list/user search, message chat, peer audio and video (webrtc p2p)
Chat room list, chat room search, chat room entry, chat room user list, chat room user online notification, user show list, user show notification, chat room group chat, chat room audio and video (webrtc sfu)
- How to use the pure webrtc function of smart_rtmpd 4.1 Making a certificate
Why do I need to make a certificate? Generally, the browser opens the audio and video equipment, and the https link is required to have the authority to execute it. Therefore, we need to make a certificate to access the internal http server of smart_rtmpd via https. In this way, there will be no problem when you open the audio and video equipment through the web page.
If you have a formal certificate, you can ignore section 4.1. You know that a certificate requires money, and most of the testing and verification process is without a certificate. Now I will teach you how to generate a certificate.
Here, mkcert is used to generate the certificate, which needs to be downloaded from github,
We generally choose mkcert-xxx-windows-amd64.exe to download to the local and rename it to mkcert.exe.
In the command line (win + r hotkey pops up the run dialog box, enter cmd to enter), switch to the directory where mkcert.exe is located
Assuming that the operating address of your smart_rtmpd server is, here we have a virtual URL of, then we enter
mkcert.exe Then the corresponding private key and certificate will be generated in the corresponding directory, which is basically similar to, format, we renamed server respectively. Key and server.crt, be careful not to make a mistake, the one with the key is the private key, the one without the key is the certificate.
Install the certificate to the local, don’t ask me why, just follow the execution below
mkcert.exe -install 4.1.4
Modify the local dns (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) file and add the following statement to this file. Note that you need to add this configuration to verify the function of smart_rtmpd on that machine. The purpose of this sentence is to tell the machine that the address of the domain name is, which is the address where the smart_rtmpd server runs.
4.2 Configure smart_rtmpd server Copy the certificate and private key generated above to the directory of smart_rtmpd (server The following operation is on where smart_rtmpd is running, not the machine where you generated the certificate. Open the configuration file config.xml
Configure the certification path, open the ssl of the http server and configure the port, if there is no other requirement, just start the smart_rtmpd server
4.3 Run pure webrtc Enter on the machine where you just configured the hosts file Be sure to see clearly that it is https, so that you can see the corresponding webrtc operation interface, of course enter You will experience another powerful function of smart_rtmpd, which is h5, live broadcast, video and VOD functions!
答:期翼流服务器( smart_rtmpd ),是一款用于直播,录播性能卓越的服务器。如果您不理解,可以理解为和 nginx-rtmp, srs ,功能类似,但是性能比 nginx-rtmp 高很多,甚至比 srs 还要高的直播(录播)服务器,特点是跨平台,无任何依赖,性能卓越,部署和维护十分方便,解压既能运行。基本上主流的操作系统都可以做新版本,有需要的话,可以私下联系我。
问:smart_rtmpd 支持那些 OS?
windows, ubuntn, centos, freebsd, arm 当然 docker 也是可以运行的。
问:smart_rtmpd performance 性能如何?
答:smart_rtmpd 的 rtmp, http-flv 能做到 1 秒之内,http-hls 经过参数调试可以做到 4 秒,如果做进一步优化,可以 做到 3 秒或更少。为什么我的配置不了那么好的性能?这个东西是全方面的支持,首先硬件要跟得上,CPU, 硬盘,内存,网络,其次就是参数调优,有兴趣的改善的可以私下联系我们,下面有我们的联系方式。
问:smart_rtmpd 能解决什么问题?
答:smart_rtmpd 服务器短小精悍,追求性能。能解决如下问题: 第三方库版本差异带来的问题,部署繁琐问题,后续升级维护兼容性繁琐的问题。 2. smart_rtmpd 性能比较高,针对不同平台,不同系统,推出相匹配以及最佳可配置的方案,保证系统的高性能运行。 不同的架构模式,适合不同的业务需求。 3. 解决了平台迁移问题,不同平台之间可以根据需要可以进行平台切换,比如:用户原来用的是 windows 系统,可以 平滑切换到 linux 系统下,数据格式统一。 4. smart_rtmpd 提供灵活的业务配置模式,无需升级程序即可根据配置满足不同的业务应用。 5. 支持集群的无限扩展以及热插拔,最大限度的保证系统运营状态下,平滑升级或维护系统。 6. 支持鉴权接口与验证。
问:smart_rtmpd download url 下载地址是?
问:smart_rtmpd 怎么使用?
答:smart_rtmpd 无任何依赖,支持跨平台,解压既运行,或者根据需要简单修改一下 config.xml 文件,即可运行windows 平台下
- 第一步下载软件包,解压, 解压后得到,进一步解压 ,即可得到 windows 的 smart_rtmpd 服务器
- 运行 smart_rtmpd.exe 如下图,既表示成功
- 推流验证,运行 ffmpeg.exe ( Windows下的 ffmpeg.exe 下载地址: )
- 播流验证
问:smart_rtmpd 支持那些输入,那些输出
答:smart_rtmp 支持推 rtmp(rtmps), rtsp(rtsps) 流,路径注入等方式输入;支持 rtmp(rtmps), http-flv(https-flv), http-hls(https-hls), mpeg-dash(https), mp4/ts(https), rtsp(rtsps) 方式的输出,同时也支持录像功能
也支持推送 h265 ,有关 codecId 可以通过 config.xml 进行配置,这样就可以对接任何客户端了,下一步需要支持 rtsp 输出。
问:smart_rtmpd 支持级联吗?
答:支持云内集群以及云间级联,异常方便,还支持针对 URL 级别的级联方式(独创)
问:smart_rtmpd 的 rewrite 是怎么一回事?
答:比如中央电视台的体育节目购买版权后,地方点视台需要从央视体育购买转播权,可以通过 rewrite 方式,很轻松的把流授权和分发给地方电视台。无需更改任何软件。即可轻松实现。当然付费业务层,需要另外处理。
问:smart_rtmpd 都是适应过那些端?
问:smart_rtmpd 压力测试如何?
smart_webrtc example 使用说明:
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99766553 | |
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WebChat(微信) | 99766553 |
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