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How to access route params?
Hey, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to work with multiple sub-routers. I have two components that get called from deferent sub-routers but both rely on the same routepath. I want to use the redux-store to save the route parameters so I won't need to explicitly pass the props down to all children (I have many components down the tree), But I can't decide how and who is responsible to update this key in the store. What is the best way to model this kind of behaviour?
Does #85 answer your question?
yes, thank you!
@CalMlynarczyk How does this work for more deeply nested components?
@onionhammer If you are referring to other connected components, then I would expect the ownProps.match.params
property still be there in the mapping function (although I have not verified this myself).
If you mean nested non-connected components, then you will simply have to pass the params that you need down to those components (or potentially use context).
@eladdo92 Have you tried this:
import { createMatchSelector } from 'connected-react-router';
const matchSelector = createMatchSelector({ path: '/course/:id })
const match = matchSelector(state) // like: /course/123
const id =; // get: 123
@brneto This seems a bit ugly to have to repeat passing the path selector (Which should already be on the current route that we're on). I'm currently running into this issue now, where I need to access part of a path to convert to a selector.
I created an HOC that adds the wanted params as props to the wrapped component. It also solves the dealing with update blocking when using connect. Hope it helps :)
`import React from 'react'; import { withRouter } from 'react-router'; import { matchPath } from 'react-router-dom'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect'; import pick from 'lodash/pick'; import { withProps, getDisplayName, compose } from 'recompose'; import hoistStatics from 'hoist-non-react-statics';
export function withRouteParams(...routeParams) { // why are we using connect here? // const withConnect = connect(createStructuredSelector({ pathname: state => state.getIn(['route', 'location', 'pathname']) }));
const withMatchParams = withProps(({ pathname, match }) => ({ ...pick(matchPath(pathname, match.path).params, routeParams) }));
return function WithRouteParams(WrappedComponent) { function RouteParams(props) { return <WrappedComponent {...props} />; }
RouteParams.displayName = `withRouteParams(${getDisplayName(WrappedComponent)})`;
hoistStatics(RouteParams, WrappedComponent);
return compose(
}; }`
Assuming MyComponent is under a path that includes a param called 'myParam':
@danbopes Actually, I centralize all routes in one file like:
// router.js
export const routes = {
courses: { path: '/courses' },
authors: { path: '/authors' },
about: { path: '/about' },
courseCreate: { path: '/course' },
courseUpdate: { path: '/course/:id' },
authorCreate: { path: '/author' },
authorUpdate: { path: '/author/:id' }
and use it where I need. With that the code would become:
import { createMatchSelector } from 'connected-react-router';
import { routes } from './router.js';
const matchSelector = createMatchSelector(routes.courseUpdate)
const match = matchSelector(state) // like: /course/123
const id =; // get: 123
Hi, anyone has better and clean solutions for more deeply nested components?
(from react-router
) will allow you to access location
, history
and match
on deeply nested components.
EDIT: follow redirect
Hi avindra,
I have a question. It works for component under this route. However my code has a Header component which is under a different switch. How can I access URL parameters under Header component? The match object is empty under Header component. Thanks.
I have explained the situation in details in
It looks like there is no way to get params from thunk/saga
import {
} from "react-router-dom";
Import the above in your component My case is Game . ( Not App.js component )
Then :
export default connect(mapStateToProps)( withRouter( Game ) );
componentDidMount() {