vue-supabase icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-supabase copied to clipboard

A supa simple wrapper around Supabase.js to enable usage within Vue.

Vue + Supabase

A supa simple wrapper around Supabase.js to enable usage within Vue.


# Vue 3.x
yarn add vue-supabase

# Vue 2.x
yarn add @vue/composition-api vue-supabase

Note: Currently @vue/composition-api is required for this package to work for projects using Vue 2.x.


Vue 2.x

import VueSupabase from "vue-supabase";

Vue.use(VueSupabase, {
  supabaseUrl: "",
  supabaseKey: "",
  supabaseOptions: {},
const { data, error } = await this.$supabase.from("events").select("*");

Vue 3.x

import VueSupabase from 'vue-supabase'

const app = createApp(...)

app.use(VueSupabase, {
  supabaseUrl: '',
  supabaseKey: '',
  supabaseOptions: {}


Options API

const { data, error } = await this.$supabase.from("events").select("*");

Composition API

import { useSupabase } from "vue-supabase";

const supabase = useSupabase();

const { data, error } = await supabase.from("events").select("*");

Here are a couple of composables available with Vue 3.x or Vue 2.x + Composition API

import { useSupabaseAuth, useSupabaseStorage } from "vue-supabase";

const auth = useSupabaseAuth();
const storage = useSupabaseStorage();
const { data } = await storage.listBuckets();
await auth.signOut();