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Save WebEx videos uploaded by Politecnico di Milano.
Launching headless Chrome to perform the OpenID Connect dance... Navigating to WebEx login page... Filling in Servizi Online login form... We are logged in. Got required authentication cookies. At this...
Sometimes the download fails due to erratic errors, especially when downloading a large number of vids from a list, it happens often that 2-3 videos are not downloaded. At the...
I keep getting this error. Full log: ``` Reusing password saved in system's keychain! Launching headless Chrome to perform the OpenID Connect dance... Navigating to WebEx login page... Filling in...
In situations where the user is prompted for password, it would be nice if the latter was hidden for example with asterisks, for example like is done here https://stackoverflow.com/a/24037546
Right now the -s option is lightning fast, but very verbose! Maybe adding a verbose parameter if you want all that detail, and instead just putting some rolling stats (like...