vim-plugin-random-colorscheme-picker copied to clipboard
Pick the VIM colorscheme that you are destined to be with.:)
This fork is changed for fitting vundle
add following line in you vundle config
Bundle 'bkbncn/vim-colorschemes-picker'
Power VIM Users like us have already wasted tons of time to choose our favorite colorschemes, and may still not be satisfied with the current colorschemes. So I wrote this plugin to help us out, to meet the perfect colorscheme that we are DESTINED to be with. (just like your lovely partners:)
Written by sunus Lee[at]
Wed Dec 12 11:50:55 CST 2012
Added Windows Support, great news for windows vim users, right? :)
As a Pathogen bundle
If you have pathogen installed and can just copy into ~/.vim/bundle like this:
cd ~/.vim/bundle &&
git clone
if you are using Janus:
cd ~/.janus &&
git clone
Without Pathogen
Just copy randomColorPicker.vim to your VIM runtime plugin path:
You may need to create ~/.vim/plugin directory if it doesn't exist:
mkdir -p ~/.vim/plugin
cp plugin/randomColorPicker.vim ~/.vim/plugin
- create a directory at:
or enter directory:
C:\Program Files\vim\vim73\plugin
vim73 might be vim72 or whatever.. as long as it's where your vim is installed, it's valid.
- copy plugin/randomColorPicker.vim to that directory.
You will need to add the following line to your .vimrc file to pick the next random colorscheme:
ALL The Commands below are CaseSensitive
if you LOVE this colorscheme,
Enter( In Normal Mode )
then I will never change your colorscheme again.
if you HATE this colorscheme and don't want to see her again,
Enter( In Normal Mode )
then I will never pick this colorscheme for you and then
randomly pick a new colorscheme.
if you somehow regret what you did and want to get the hated colorscheme back,
Enter(In Normal Mode)
then all you hated colorscheme will back to select pool, and you might see
her again:)
Enter(In Normal Mode)
to see current colorscheme
Enter(In Normal Mode)
to switch to a new random theme without restarting vim.
Set to a comma-delimited string for Vim to look for colorschemes in additional areas, e.g.
let g:colorscheme_user_path = '~/.vim/bundle/vim-colorschemes/colors'
NOTE: This only works if Vim is aware of the other colorscheme paths, such as when you install colorscheme repositories using a plugin manager.
Use this plugin with a large colorsheme pool will increase the possibility of meeting the right ColorScheme for you.
So, I recommand you also use the ColorScheme Pack at:
Colo(u)r Sampler Pack : Oct 2012 Update
Big Thanks to Robert Melton for his awesome work!
A more complete and actively maintained package can be found here.
Any Feedback and Suggestions is welcomed
mail me:[at]