Eric Liu
Eric Liu
Re local build: what version of gcc, python, ubuntu? What error msgs do you get? On newer versions of ubuntu, sometimes our python-finding logic doesn't work... commenting out lines 191...
A few comments below. Glad you got it working! 1: This is why we suggest using [virtual environments]( If you aren't familiar w/them, it's a little bit of learning up...
re virtual env: So the steps would be: 1. create new virtual env (put it in MOE folder or name it something MOE-related) 2. launch virtual env (source your_venv/bin/activate or...
Re virtualenv: Not sure what you mean by using a separate python interpreter. You should be building MOE against the libpython that backs your python interpreter (this could also be...
I was able to compile and run in 15.10 with gcc5. Some tests were failing it seems (everything looked to still work, but those tests had too tight constraints before...
That's an interesting approach. I'd be curious to take a look, @KukumavMozolo
Which opening comment? like the quickstart guide?
Sorry I've been gone for so long! See: #448 for details. Whoa whoa. First, @jialeiwang, I don't think any of those modifications are necessary right now. This is definitely a...
I have minimal familiarity with python3, but this change seems to break python2: ``` E File "/home/travis/virtualenv/python2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/moe/bandit/", line 8 E class BanditInterface(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): E ^ E SyntaxError: invalid syntax[0m ```...
I don't think maintaining two separate branches is worth the effort... and I'm also not convinced now is the time to drop py2 support entirely. I've seen the "six" package:...