Eric Liu
Eric Liu
So in that example, gp_next_points is part of our example "simple_endpoint" library. simple_endpoint just produces some wrappers around the REST interface (so you don't have to construct the queries yourself)....
In easy_interface, all the experiment data is grouped inside the "Experiment" object. If you're relying on that to track all of your data, then you need to save it somewhere....
Cool. Feel free to update our docs if we did a bad job explaining that :/ But yeah at Yelp, all the experiment data existed in other data stores. We... shows how to add a "Function" validator where colander will pass the data to any function and shows how to create fancier custom SchemaNode one or both of...
Also kind of stumbled on this in addition to `colander.Function` validator, you can: ``` def positive_validator(node, cstruct): """Raise an exception if the node value (cstruct) is non-positive or non-finite. :param...
#303 or #34 will probably help with this. We could set up colander's schema binding mechanic to connect the schemas to the right validator after the type is established. Or...
I believe if you don't specify hyperparameters (starting to think we really should not have allowed users to do that), they all default to 1.0. Your domain length is 1.0,...
like ``` cov(x,y) = \alpha * exp(\sum_i={1..d} [-0.5 * (x[i] - y[i])^2 / L[i]^2] ) ``` the hyperparameters are `[\alpha, L[0], L[1], ..., L[d-1]]`. Those are often labeled theta. Answer... `` could be a good place for some of these like #407 and #409
- For sigopt, I assume you'd just cite their website but I'll let them make the call. - For MOE, citing this repo seems appropriate. - For both, I know...