+1 Sanic needs
**Use Sanic+SQLalchmey, with default sqlalchemy setting:** **the performance even higher than gino ?** ``` .... # sqlalchemy engine = create_engine("postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/zhangxuewei", echo=False) Base = declarative_base(engine) session = sessionmaker(engine)() .... @app.route('/testdb', methods=['GET'])...
**The newest test of Sanic+asyncpg :** 5300 Requests/Sec it obviously gino have performance bottle neck? /
I guess that Gino use the pool of SQLalchemy instead of asyncpg's pool ?
Find out the reason block the thread: 1、generate query statement in sqlalchemy Core 2、generate sql command from sqlalchemy query statement.
> > Find out the reason block the thread: > > 1、generate query statement in sqlalchemy Core > > 2、generate sql command from sqlalchemy query statement. > > Yeah, that's...
> > It doesn't work or I misunderstand your point? > > The baked-query-like caching feature is not implemented yet. As my test result, the main influence to permanence is...