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Pytorch implementation of HorizonNet: Learning Room Layout with 1D Representation and Pano Stretch Data Augmentation.

Results 33 HorizonNet issues
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Hi, when I'm trying to create a 3d model with more than 4 walls, it looks like it still make it with 4 walls. can i please get the exactly...

Hi, thanks for your excellent work! I have two questions. 1. According to my understanding, z0 represents the height of the ceiling from the camera plane,isn't it 1.6 meters? why...

I am running scripts on macbook. I have heard that there is way about telling mac not to use CUDA ( like --no-cuda command). Does anyone knows where to wrtie...

Hi, thanks for your great work. In the [readme](https://github.com/sunset1995/HorizonNet#2-estimating-layout-with-horizonnet), it states to run ```bash python inference.py --pth ckpt/resnet50_rnn__mp3d.pth --img_glob assets/preprocessed/demo_aligned_rgb.png --output_dir assets/inferenced --visualize ``` however, this `ckpt/resnet50_rnn__mp3d.pth` model checkpoint is...

Hi, thanks for sharing the code, in the code of decoder bias, what is the meaning of these magic numbers? Can we randomly initialize the bias in the normal way?...

@sunset1995, thank you for the great work. I have a question here: it seems the inference corners after post-processing only work on the pre-processed image (rotate by the vp). Is...

Hi all, I am pretty new to 3D modelling and I was wondering if anyone could set me in the right direction regarding point clouds registration. Was anyone successful in...

Hey, Is there anyway to get output as .gltf file so I can load the model in other program.

I have tried to train this model on layoutnet datasets with all default parameters mentioned here (https://github.com/sunset1995/HorizonNet). I executed the following command (HorizonNet) D:\HorizonNet-master>python train.py --id resnet50_rnn **I am getting...

Would you like to release resnet50_rnn__mp3d.pth