px2rwd-intellij-plugin copied to clipboard
This is a tool of converting px to rem/vw/vh in a css/less file by a few settings used in intellij idea or webstorm.
This plugin has been put in the market and you can find it in file - settings - plugins - marketplace
by searching a text of px2rem
You can also download the plugin file which has been put in release, and install the plugin from disk.
Contact me
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me.
QQ: 991637393
email: [email protected]
there are three ways to convert: short-cut key, code intention, code completion. you can find the settings related to these converting ways in settings page with the path 'File - Settings - Px to Rem'
- short-cut key
select a converting type from three options of rem, vw, vh in setting page and give a necessary value set below the radio group, then use the default short-cut key of Alt + d to convert a line or a selected text. you can also use the short-cut key of Ctrl + Alt + d to convert in a whole file. you can only choose one converting type of short-cut key from rem,vw,vg to convert. btw, you can change the short-cut key in your ide by setting the keymap option.
- code intention
you can find three code intention types in settings page and you can select if a code intention type works by check the checkbox. by check a code intention in a line of a css file, which will display by typing Alt + Shift, you can convert the line where the caret displays. the unselected code intention types in settings page will not show in the list of code intention in a css file
- code completion
you can also find three code completion types in the settings page and you can select if a code completion type works by check the checkbox. by typing 'px' in a css file, you can find some code completion types you set in settings page. choose a type then it will give a result of converting. the unselected code completion types in settings page will not show in the list of code completion in a css file
- find menu at 'File - Settings - Px to Rem', and give some settings.
- select a text or move cursor at a line which contains a 'px' value.
- use default shortcut key Alt + d to convert px to rem/vw/vh with a line; btw, you can change the shortcut at 'File - Settings - keymap - Plug-ins - px2rem'.
- use default shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + d to convert px to rem/vw/vh in a whole file.
- use a code intention to convert px to rem/vw/vh in a css file
- use a code completion to convert px to rem/vw/vh in a css file
- use the short-cut key Ctrl + Shift + Alt + d to rollback the converting within one line