Sun Knudsen

Results 29 issues of Sun Knudsen

First things first, thanks for the amazing package. Here is an example of the issue. I expected [valid HTML elements]( would be included within the `` tag. **Markdown** ```markdown #...

I use low resolution images as placeholders. As you can see on the following screenshot, the high resolution image has not loaded (the image is pixelated). The high resolution image...

Very useful open source project! I am a privacy and security researcher and YouTuber. I was desperate to find an open source way to configure DisplayPort output to non-high-dpi 1080P...

Is it possible to enable or disable multiple NFC or USB interfaces at once using `ykman config nfc` or `ykman config usb`? When running `ykman config usb --enable` multiple times...

I am developing a YubiKey provisioning script and forgot to save lock code used during tests. Searched docs and found how to reset applets, but not config lock code. Please...

* **Electron-Builder Version**: 23.4.0 * **Node Version**: v16.16.0 * **Electron Version**: 19.0.12 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: current * **Target**: linux, mac Using Electron Forge and Electron Builder to...

This project looks amazing! I am looking for a way to display QR codes on Raspberry Pis without requiring a desktop environment. The QR codes are generated in memory... I...


> Everything is converted except for ``, ``, ``, and `` tags. In the context of markdown strings, it would be amazing if inline code and code block snippets could...

I am trying to package zbarimg with Electron app so users don’t have to install zbarimg separately. I noticed zbarimg has a ton of dependencies (running `DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES_POST_LAUNCH=1 DYLD_PRINT_RPATHS=1 zbarimg`...

#### Description `SPACESHIP_CHAR_SYMBOL` was set to "Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards" unicode `U+279C` character which broke monospacing. Replaced "Heavy Round-Tipped Rightwards" character by "Rightwards Arrow". #### Screenshot
