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Production ready Modular REST API Generator using NodeJS & MongoDB
Calm API
Production ready Modular REST API generator using NodeJS & MongoDB
Install by running
npm i -g calmapi
Then run inside your workspace directory
And follow the easy steps.
Generate CalmAPI CRUD Module just by running the following inside project's root.
calmapi generate module product
Valid Module generation commands.
calmapi generate module product
calmapi generate module products
calmapi generate module productMeta
calmapi generate module ProductMeta
calmapi generate module product-meta
Generate Module name without pluralize
calmapi generate module test-series --force
- Production ready - Controller, Model & Service oriented architecture
- Modules with automated Routing (Nested Route support)
- Built-in Authentication Module with JWT & DB Store authentication
- Built-in User Module
- Built-in Media Module for file upload [AWS S3 Support]
- Build-in CRUD operations for modules with pagination, filters, sorters
- Sample Post Module (CRUD Operation Example)
- CRUD Module generation command line support.
- No Hidden sh*ts in your node_modules. Completely free to customize
- Prebuilt CRUD operation classes for Controller & Service
- DTO Support( Data transfer Object)
- Eslint rules enabled
- .env support
- And many more
We love your input! We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's: Reporting a bug, Documentation, Discussing the current state of the code, Submitting a fix or Proposing new features.
Thiago Pacheco for the idea of better NodeJS architechture.