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Post-exploitation tool to cover your tracks on a compromised machine (beta)


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⚠️ This tool is unmaintained


Shell script to cover your tracks on UNIX systems. Designed for pen testing "covering tracks" phase, before exiting the infected server. Or, permanently disable system logs for post-exploitation.

This tool allows you to clear log files such as :

# Linux
/var/log/messages # General message and system related stuff
/var/log/auth.log # Authenication logs
/var/log/kern.log # Kernel logs
/var/log/cron.log # Crond logs
/var/log/maillog # Mail server logs
/var/log/boot.log # System boot log
/var/log/mysqld.log # MySQL database server log file
/var/log/qmail # Qmail log directory
/var/log/httpd # Apache access and error logs directory
/var/log/lighttpd # Lighttpd access and error logs directory
/var/log/secure # Authentication log
/var/log/utmp # Login records file
/var/log/wtmp # Login records file
/var/log/yum.log # Yum command log file

# macOS
/var/log/system.log # System Log
/var/log/DiagnosticMessages # Mac Analytics Data
/Library/Logs # System Application Logs
/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports # System Reports
~/Library/Logs # User Application Logs
~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports # User Reports


With sudo

sudo curl -sSL -o /usr/bin/covermyass
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/covermyass

Without sudo :

curl -sSL -o ~/.local/bin/covermyass
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/covermyass

You can now use the tool using the executable.

Keep in mind that without sudo privileges, you might be unable to clear system-level log files (/var/log).


Simply type :

covermyass # you may need to use sudo if you want to clean auth logs

Follow the instructions :

Welcome to Cover my ass tool !

Select an option :

1) Clear logs for user root
2) Permenently disable auth & bash history
3) Restore settings to default
99) Exit tool


NOTE: don't forget to exit the terminal session since the bash history is cached.

Clear logs instantly (requires sudo to be efficient) :

sudo covermyass now

Using cron job

Clear bash history every day at 5am :

0 5 * * * covermyass now >/dev/null 2>&1