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[FR] Quote Author wildcard
Discussed in https://github.com/sundevista/local-quotes/discussions/32
Originally posted by BigGHS April 21, 2024 I have some of my quote aithors include a description, for example"Heraclitus of Ephesus, c. 535 BCE – 475 BCE". The "*" search option will pick up this author but to specifically search for Heraclitus quotes, I have to typi in the complete name. To address this I modified the following 2 functions in main.js to recognise the "!" as a wildcard, e.g. "!heracl" will pick up quotes by Heraclitus, as will "!535 BCE". Here is the revised code:
function getValidAuthorsFromAdvancedSearch(quoteVault, search) {
const terms = search.split("||").map(term => term.trim());
let validAuthors = [];
if (terms.includes("*")) {
return quoteVault.map(a => a.author); // Return all authors if "*" is present
terms.forEach(term => {
if (term.startsWith("!") && term.length > 1) {
const substring = term.slice(1).toLowerCase();
validAuthors = validAuthors.concat(
quoteVault.filter(a => a.author.toLowerCase().includes(substring)).map(a => a.author)
return Array.from(new Set(validAuthors)); // Remove duplicates and return
function searchQuote(quoteVault, search, useWeightedRandom) {
const result = { author: null, text: null };
if (search === "*") {
result.author = useWeightedRandom ? getWeightedRandomAuthor(quoteVault) : getRandomAuthor(quoteVault);
} else {
const authorList = getValidAuthorsFromAdvancedSearch(quoteVault, search);
if (authorList.length > 0) {
result.author = useWeightedRandom ? getWeightedRandomAuthor(quoteVault, authorList) : getRandomArrayItem(authorList);
result.text = result.author ? getRandomQuoteOfAuthor(quoteVault, result.author) : "No quote found";
return result;