@jff I think csv format such as a below one might be good: | filename | main_name | lines | compiler_version | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |------------- | |...
@jff Thanks for the answer. I would report here when I find more similar/duplicated ones.
Hi @nettrino. You mentioned you installed solc via brew. Regarding this issue, please refer to the instructions mentioned in readme (the item "Specify a solc version with -solc"). The solc...
In addition, please note that you ran the verification mode command on ``leak_unsafe.sol`` file, but detecting ether-leaking vulnerabilities is only valid in ``exploit`` mode in the current public version tool....
In any cases, for the contract that you attached, your error message should not be produced if solc is located at proper locations. Please refer to the instruction in the...
What is the name of your solc binary file? "solc" or "solc_0.8.0"?
> Notice that `solc --ast-compact-json test.sol` works just fine but `src/util/` complains that there is an error. I also tried with a static solc binary of 0.8.0 and its exactly...
@nettrino Thanks for letting me know the situation. I leave the issue open and will let you know if the secondary problem is resolved.
Hi @summer-gcc , The input should be analysis results generated from the tool, not Solidity files. I will add a manual for it as soon as possible, and let you...
Hi @montyly , 1. ``sudo docker exec CONTAINER_NAME solc-0.4.25 --version`` outputs: ``` solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface Version: 0.4.25+commit.59dbf8f1.Linux.g++ ``` 2. ``sudo docker exec CONTAINER_NAME solc-0.4.25 /tmp/test.sol`` outputs several...