Jason Sun
Jason Sun
`pip install git+git://github.com/liftoff/pyminifier.git@master` to get the latest version.
``` (venv) ~/w/minifer> pip --version pip 9.0.1 from /home/jsun/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (python 2.7) (venv) ~/w/minifer> python --version Python 2.7.12 (venv) ~/w/minifer> virtualenv --version 15.1.0 ``` ``` ~> virtualenv pyminifier-venv New python executable...
Remove the files manually. You should be using virtualenv to mess around anyways. Delete the workspace.
I've run into this as well, on 0.2.24. I probably would need to edit the migration file and hand craft it. Is that how you guys above dealt with it?...
@nharlow89 that worked perfectly (with a bit of import modification), thanks! I had to change a bit, so my imports now look like this: ``` import { DocumentNode } from...
Do we have an ETA on this?
I had the same issue, but reading the comments here I renamed `Microsoft Word 12.22.18.app` to `Microsoft Word.app` and it worked. Mac Finder asked me some permissions to grant, and...
Bump. The current failure message is not easily understood. It seems `PastHorizon` is the key word here. Example output ``` $ cardano-cli query leadership-schedule --mainnet --next --vrf-signing-key-file cnode/vrf.skey --genesis ~/cnode/mainnet-shelley-genesis.json...