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a fast, minimalist web framework for lua based on OpenResty
Is there any plans to translate docs to english? This framework seems like the perfect fit for my current project, but I barely understand anything.
Is there documentation in English?
I found out that lor on opm is still 0.3.3 which is not the latest version. Also it doesn't seem to include lord. Luarocks seems abandoned.
使用如下代码,其中util.auth_ip是一个通用写好的且存在的校验访问ip是否合法的方法 util.auth_jsonbody是一个nil ``` local user_router = lor:Router() user_router:get("/test", util.auth_ip,util.auth_jsonbody,function(req, res, next) res:status(200):send("unknown error") end) app:use("/cloud/v1", user_router()) app:run() ``` ``` curl -v * About to connect() to port 4001...
@sumory , 想请问一下,有哪些公司在使用lor呢? 另外能留个邮箱吗, 如果我有问题,怎么找你呢?
假设我们有一个group router `user_router`,它挂载在"user"下面,即 ```lua app:use("user", user_router()) ``` lor v0.3.0版本并不支持在这个group router里实现"/user"这个路由,即不支持以下写法: ```lua user_router:get("", function(req, rex, next) -- … end) ``` 但支持将路由挂载到"/user/",即支持: ```lua user_router:get("/", function(req, rex, next) -- … end) ``` 从语义上来讲,`/user`和`/user/`并不等价,只是有些应用服务器或是语言对此作了默认处理。...
this is a list about projects or libraries that are built with Lor framework.