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Blood Bank Management System || Python Django
Blood Bank Management System
Admin Dashboard
Blood Donation
Blood Request
- Create Admin account using following command
py createsuperuser
- After Login, can see Unit of blood of each blood group available, Number Of Donor, Number of blood request, Number of approved request, Total Unit of blood on Dashboard.
- Can View, Update, Delete Donor.
- Can View, Update, Delete Patient.
- Can View Donation Request made by donor and can approve or reject that request based on disease of donor.
- If Donation Request approved by admin then that unit of blood added to blood stock of that blood group.
- If Donation Request rejected by admin then 0 unit of blood added to stock.
- Can View Blood Request made by donor / patient and can approve or reject that request.
- If Blood Request approved by admin then that unit of blood reduced from blood stock of that blood group.
- If Blood Request rejected by admin then 0 unit of blood reduced from stock.
- Can see history of blood request.
- Can Update Unit Of Particular Blood Group.
- Donor can create account by providing basic details.
- After Login, Donor can donate blood, After approval from admin only, blood will be added to blood stock.
- Donor can see their donation history with status (Pending, Approved, Rejected).
- Donor can also request for blood from blood stock.
- Donor can see their blood request history with status.
- Donor can see number of blood request Made, Approved, Pending, Rejected by Admin on their dashboard.
NOTE: Donor can donate blood and can also request for blood.
- Create account (No Approval Required By Admin, Can Login After Signup)
- After Login, Can see number of blood request Made, Approved, Pending, Rejected by Admin on their dashboard.
- Patient can request for blood of specific blood group and unit from blood stock.
- Patient can see their blood request history with status (Pending, Approved, Rejected).
- Install Python(3.7.6) (Dont Forget to Tick Add to Path while installing Python)
- Download This Project Zip Folder and Extract it
- Move to project folder in Terminal. Then run following Commands :
python -m pip install -r requirements. txt
py makemigrations
py migrate
py runserver
- Now enter following URL in Your Browser Installed On Your Pc
Any suggestion and feedback is welcome. You can message me on facebook