AwesomeQRCode copied to clipboard
Could not find com.waynejo:androidndkgif:0.3.3
Hello! Bintray repo for dependency com.waynejo:androidndkgif:0.3.3 not work. Please fix it
Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugNativeLibs'.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'. Could not find com.waynejo:androidndkgif:0.3.3. Searched in the following locations: - - - Required by: project :app > com.github.SumiMakito:AwesomeQRCode:1.2.0
hello what alternatives did you use?
Hi, this issue is still continuing, anybody found any solution?
Hi, this issue is still continuing, anybody found any solution?
Just replace module in dependency in your build.gradle:
implementation ('com.github.SumiMakito:AwesomeQRCode:1.2.0'){
exclude group: 'com.waynejo', module: 'androidndkgif' // exclude jcenter module
implementation 'io.github.waynejo:androidndkgif:1.0.1' // add updated module from mavenCentral
Moreover, if you don't use animated background in QR, you can skip attaching this library. This saves ~100kb for me on each platform for optimized build. Build will be OK, but app can crash in runtime with UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "" not found
in case of any GifBackground usage.