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Finish internal models for all crew-habitable parts

Open sumghai opened this issue 10 years ago • 2 comments

X0.04-4 introduced mockups with rough blocking out of details, prop and Kerbal locations.


Karmony Habitation Modules Crew Capacity / Positions: 4 (1 inside a Sleep Station, 3 seated around galley table eating/drinking/reading)

  • 4 Sleep Stations / 1 Shower / 1 Toilet
  • One Sleep Station will be fully furnished
  • The others will be inaccessible and represented by closed doors
  • Galley area with table, fridge, food heater/beverage dispenser unit, flatscreen monitor/camera for video conferencing, drawers for emergency supplies / board games / DVDs
  • Exercise area with collapseable stationary bicycle (I recall that RPM allows toggleable animated internal props)
  • Ceiling with drawers for more crew provisions etc
  • Floor with access panels to life support, waste storage / processing
  • Emergency cabinet with fire extinguisher, gas mask/respirator storage
  • Custom RPM Prop: "Power / Life support" monitor (probably just one screen showing current resources)
  • Internal blue EVA hand grips
  • Light fixtures

Karmony Science Modules Crew Capacity / Positions: 4 (Seated at various science "stations")

  • Glove box
  • Kerbal sciences rack
  • Materials science rack
  • Life sciences racks
  • Robotics control rack (actual UI will be in the Kupola)
  • Thermal control system rack
  • Centrifuge
  • Custom RPM Prop(s): Monitors. Lots of monitors (no idea if I can display actual science experiment results)
  • Ceiling with storage / science power management racks
  • Floor with access panels to misc avionics / science management systems
  • Emergency cabinet with fire extinguisher, gas mask/respirator storage
  • Custom RPM Prop: "Power / Life support" monitor (probably just one screen showing current resources)
  • Internal blue EVA hand grips
  • Light fixtures

Karmony Utilities Modules Crew Capacity / Positions: 2 (Both towards the viewport side, 1 port, 1 starboard)

  • Forward half of module internal acts as the "command" center for the space station
  • Custom RPM Prop(s): complete flight instruments, resource management etc
  • Aft half of module with access panels to batteries, air/water tanks, life support systems
  • Ceiling with storage for more air tanks / emergency supplies
  • Floor with access panels to misc avionics / waste processing systems
  • Emergency cabinet with fire extinguisher, gas mask/respirator storage
  • Custom RPM Prop: "Power / Life support" monitor (probably just one screen showing current resources)
  • Internal blue EVA hand grips
  • Light fixtures

Kirs Docking Module Crew Capacity / Positions: 1 (Facing starboard)

  • Starboard side
  • Custom RPM Prop(s): Docking control station (target selection / management, monitoring)
  • The docking camera will be built into the Kirs module itself instead of the docking ports
  • Docking port control boxes
  • Equalization valve / gauges (3 each)
  • Signage / handbook for docking instructions
  • Port side
  • Power management / distribution unit
  • Fuse panel
  • Life support control boxes
  • Emergency air tanks
  • Wall-mounted segments of flex-piping for resource transfer
  • Ceiling and floor with access panels to misc avionics / batteries
  • Emergency cabinet with fire extinguisher, gas mask/respirator storage
  • Internal blue EVA hand grips
  • Light fixtures

Kuest Airlock / Kuest Legacy Airlock Crew Capacity / Positions: 1 (Facing forward, to lockout chamber)

  • Two side cabinets with stowed EVA suits, batteries, airlock controls
  • Hatch leading into lockout chamber half of airlock
  • Ceiling with access to air tanks
  • Floor with access panels to monoprop storage
  • Emergency cabinet with fire extinguisher, gas mask/respirator storage
  • Internal blue EVA hand grips
  • Light fixtures

Kupola Observation Module Crew Capacity / Positions: 3

  • Station 1: Station management
  • Custom RPM Prop(s): complete flight instruments, resource management etc
  • Blast shutters and internal lights toggleable via switch
  • Station 2: Robotics / docking
  • Custom RPM Prop(s): docking monitor, robot camera monitor, joysticks
  • Station 3: Laptop prop
  • Floor with padding
  • Emergency cabinet with fire extinguisher, gas mask/respirator storage
  • Internal blue EVA hand grips
  • Light fixtures

At the time of writing, lockers of various sizes and shapes have been added to the IVAs. I think it's time to make a proper TODO list of everything else that needs to be done.

Shared by all/most modules

  • [x] Add Blinkenlights to FLEXrack bottom closeout panel area
  • [x] Blue chamfer accessory: Air vents
    • single segment long
  • [ ] Blue chamfer accessory: Light panels
    • single segment long
    • upper panels will have LED lamp housings, lower panels unchanged
    • slave animation / light object slaved to separate light switch
    • Not yet tested properly
  • [x] Hatch frame accessory: light fixture on top segment slaved to separate light switchvariable
    • Integrated into existing FusTek_CorridorEndFrame prop with associated animation
  • [x] IVA Handrail, full length
  • [x] IVA Handrail, half length
  • [x] Mounting brackets for affixing IVA Handrail, half length to corridor end frames
  • [x] Compact wall segment detail: Emergency Station
    • Upper compartment door: Portable Breathing Apparatus (green color scheme, vector graphic of stylized Kerbal head wearing respirator mask)
    • Lower compartment door: Fire Extinguisher (red color scheme, vector graphic of fire extinguisher)
    • Gap between doors reserved for Caution & Warning System
  • [x] Compact wall segment detail: Caution & Warning System and Cabin Functions
    • DEPRESS button
    • TOXIC AIR button
    • FIRE button
    • WARNING button (critical hardware or software failure)
    • CAUTION button (non-critical failure, elevated to WARNING if not corrected)
    • TEST button
    • LIGHTS button (for main lights in current module)
    • SHUTTER button (for all shutters in current module)
    • DEMIST button (for all viewports; dummy)
    • VENT SYS button (dummy)
    • Leave room on one side for Fire Port mini-prop
  • [ ] Compact wall segment detail: Status Monitor RasterPropMonitor with Audio Terminal Unit for intercom
    • Default page: Home Screen (showing menu options, flag and vessel name)
    • Page: Environment (cabin pressure, O2/CO2 concentrations, airborne toxin concentrations, temperature, humidity)
    • Page: Station/Vessel Resources
    • Page: Crew Manifest
    • Page: Vessel Viewer
    • Page: Intercom (List of all crew compartments/tunnels, Broadcast, EVA channel 1, EVA channel 2, KSC)
    • ATU will come with speakerphone grille, Push-To-Talk (PTT) button, two microsphone/headset socket sets, and a "Wireless Headsets Supported" label
  • [ ] Rework viewport shutter prop with additions:
    • SHUTTER button (for viewport)
    • DEMIST button (for viewport; dummy)
  • [x] Fire Port mini-prop
    • Circular text label: FIRE PORT - INSERT EXTINGUISHER
    • Use MODEL{} nodes to add to various existing props
      • [x] Compact wall segment detail: Caution & Warning System
      • (All experiments / avionics boxes will need fire ports in the future)
  • [ ] Life Support System control panel (Tall) with fake knobs, switches, etc.
  • [x] First Aid Kit locker sticker
    • White cross on green background
    • Also change locker label texture to white text on green background
  • [ ] Wide rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • Use MODEL{} nodes to generate variants
  • [ ] Tall rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • Use MODEL{} nodes to generate variants


  • [x] Door Labels
    • [x] Sleep Station 1
    • [x] Sleep Station 2
    • [x] Sleep Station 3
    • [x] Sleep Station 4
    • [x] Toilet
    • [x] Shower
  • [ ] Power management control panel (Tall) with fake knobs, switches, etc.
  • [x] Battery panel (Standard) with Blinkenlights
  • [ ] Galley table with four seats
  • [ ] Flatscreen TV with webcam
  • [ ] Galley subsystem with integrated Fridge, Food heater, Beverage dispenser, Board games cabinet and DVD/media cabinet
  • [ ] KOLBERT treadmill panel (Mega) with toggleable treadmill
  • [ ] Stationary bicycle panel (Mega) with toggleable bike
  • [ ] Sleeping Bag, wall mounted (compressed flat against the wall is fine)
  • [ ] Rework FusTek_SideCeiling_SleepPadded with LED spotlight and associated lightswitch
  • [ ] Folding worktable for laptop
    • Power adapter to wall socket
    • Velcro straps to hold laptops down
  • [ ] Personal effects bag


  • [ ] Fuse / Breaker panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout
  • [ ] Voltage Converters / Rectifiers panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout
    • Two independent subunits, labelled A & B
  • [ ] Load Distributors panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout
    • Four independent subunits, labelled A, B, C & D
  • [ ] Battery Chargers and Thermal Management panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • Four independent subunits - two chargers and two thermal management
  • [x] Battery panel
    • Based on Tall rack panel with cutout
    • Three battery subunits, each with POWER, TEMP and FAULT lights
  • [ ] JSI Computer panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • Two independent subunits, labelled A & B
  • [ ] Guidance Computer panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • Two independent subunits, labelled A & B
  • [ ] Gyro Computer panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • Two independent subunits, labelled A & B
  • [ ] Data Processing panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • Four independent subunits, labelled MPU 1, MPU 2, MPU 3 & MPU 4
  • [ ] Data Storage panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • Four independent subunits, labelled HDD 1, HDD 2, HDD 3 & HDD 4
  • [ ] Signal Processing panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • LEDs: 24V, 15V, 12V, 5V, 3.3V, -3.3V, -5V, -12V, -15V, -24V, RX LOCK, TX, LOCK
    • 4x20 LCD display: RX 2217.5 MHz, TX 2270.0 MHz, AUTO, SNR 37 dB-Hz
    • RX Bandwidth rotary switch: 50, 150, 300 Mbps
    • TX Bandwidth rotary switch: 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 Mbps
    • TX Power rotary switch: Low, Med, High
    • Four ethernet-like sockets labelled EXT1 to EXT4 respectively
  • [ ] Antenna Pointing Controls panel
    • Based on Wide rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • RasterPropMonitor with faux display of antenna orientation angles, etc.
    • 4x20 LCD display: with faux display of antenna orientation angles, etc.
    • Manual Override switch
    • Three tuning knobs/dials for each angle adjustment
    • The RPM is used for semi-automated antenna pointing; the LCD and knobs are for manual
  • [ ] Environmental Control and Monitoring panel
    • Mega rack panel size
    • RasterPropMonitor with faux display of cabin pressure, O2/CO2 concentrations, airborne toxin concentrations, temperature, humidity
    • Various switches, knobs and LEDs
  • [ ] Carbon Extractor panel
    • Based on Tall rack panel with cutout mini-prop
    • Round door for filter cartridge housing
    • POWER, TEMP and FAULT lights
  • [ ] Water Purifier panel
    • Mega rack panel size
    • Faux 2x16 LCD displays, rotary switches, LEDs, analog dial gauges
  • [ ] Trash Compactor panel
    • Mega rack panel size
    • File-cabinet-like door for loading bags full of trash
    • Buttons
  • [ ] Restrained seating for Expedition Commander / X.O.
  • [ ] Webbed bungee cord cage containing bags of miscellaneous stuff
    • Located behind seats
  • [ ] Full glass cockpit area for Expedition Commander / X.O.
    • [ ] RasterPropMonitors. Lots of RasterPropMonitors.
    • [ ] Backup analog instruments e.g. Nav Ball
    • [ ] Joystick and thruster control blocks


  • [ ] Self-Contained Science Experiments
    • Standard locker panel size
    • Small-ish door
    • Various switches, knobs and LEDs
    • Unique Labels
      • 8 Materials Science
      • 4 Plant / Animal Studies
      • 16 Misc Experiments
      • 1 Biohazard Waste Storage
  • [ ] Glovebox
    • Independent power/thermal control
    • Sample airlock
    • Biohazard bin
    • Spare Parts locker (use MODEL{} node to call on an existing Wide locker, and overlay replacement label)
  • [ ] Large Centrifuges
    • Tall rack panel size
    • Round door to centrifuge compartment
    • 4x20 LCD display: with faux display of RPM, temperature and timer countdown
    • Left-Right-Up-Down faux arrow key buttons for centrifuge setting
  • [ ] Psychological Monitoring panel
    • Wide rack panel size
    • RasterPropMonitor with dummy ECG, blood oxygen, breathing rate etc graph animations
    • Lots of buttons on the RPM frame, that don't do anything
  • [ ] Small Centrifuges
    • Standard locker panel size
    • Round door to centrifuge compartment
    • 4x20 LCD display: with faux display of RPM, temperature and timer countdown
    • Left-Right-Up-Down faux arrow key buttons for centrifuge setting
  • [ ] Robotics Control station
    • Upper half is Mega rack panel with 2x2 array of RasterPropMonitor displays
      • May depend on IR robotics integration with JSI RPM in the future
    • Lower half, upper quarter is Slide-out keyboard and joystick
    • Lower half, bottom quarter is computer rack (with two independent subsys modules)
      • InfernalRobotics branding?
  • [ ] One crew seat for Kerbal undergoing medical examination
    • Reuse crew seat from Utils module
  • [ ] Deck-mounted IVA foot restraints / backless stools
    • Toggleable between both configurations by doubleclicking on a designated mesh
    • Usage locations:
      • [ ] Planetary Sci / Atmos Study
      • [ ] Glovebox
      • [ ] Kerbal Research Facility
      • [ ] Robotics Workstation
      • [ ] Write-Up
  • [ ] Bio-Sample Fridge
    • Opens up to reveal [REDACTED]
  • [ ] Folding worktable for laptop @ Planetary Sci / Atmos Study & Write-Up areas
    • Reuse asset from Hab module


  • [x] Large door for EVA suit storage x2
    • Both suits are separately identified
    • List of contents
    • (Note: Helmet may be too big to fit inside FLEXracks)
  • [x] Fluid Storage subsys
    • Tall rack panel size
    • Knobs, switches, gauges
    • Variants clearly identified as:
      • [x] 1 Compressed Oxygen
      • [x] 1 Cooling Water
      • [x] 2 Jetpack Fuel
  • [x] Airlock control subsys
  • [x] Airlock light source
    • Always on unless ElectricCharge depleted


  • [ ] Kupola Internal Space base
    • Mostly covered with diamond-pattern padding
    • Air vents?
    • Ceiling lights and emissives controlled by switch block prop
  • [ ] Kupola IVA handrails
    • Custom configuration
  • [ ] Switch block
    • LIGHTS button (Kupola lighting should be dim)
    • SHUTTER button (animates external part shutters)
    • DEMIST button (dummy)
  • [ ] Commander's Station
    • [ ] RasterPropMonitors. Lots of RasterPropMonitors.
    • [ ] Backup analog instruments e.g. Nav Ball
    • [ ] Joystick and thruster control blocks
  • [ ] Robotics Control Station
    • [ ] RasterPropMonitors. Lots of RasterPropMonitors.
    • [ ] Joystick and keyboard
  • [ ] Write Up Station
    • [ ] Folding worktable for laptop
    • Reuse asset from Hab module
  • [ ] Deck-mounted IVA foot restraints / backless stools x3
    • Reuse from Sci module

Kirs Docking

  • [ ] TBD


  • [ ] Cactus-branded laptop
  • [ ] Cactus-branded tablet
  • [ ] Post-it note "SNACKS"
  • [ ] University of Kerbin pennant
  • [ ] Collection of Mission patches
  • [ ] Notepad
  • [ ] Ball-point pen
    • [ ] Blue
    • [ ] Black
    • [ ] Red
    • (Use JSI texture shifting on a common model)
  • [ ] Photo (B&W) of Kerbal in Russian-esque military uniform
  • [ ] Photo (B&W) of Kerbal pilot posing in front of seaplane
  • [ ] Photo (Color) of Kerbal mother and son playing at a beach
  • [ ] Photo (Color) of Kerbal giving thumbs up while riding on a M113 armored personnel carrier used for crew evacuations from launch pad
  • [ ] Photo (Color) of Chinese-looking Kerbal extended family gathered for a group photo outside a traditional three-sided courtyard house
  • [ ] Photo (Color) of male and female Kerbal couple on holiday, with Middle Eastern-style architecture in the background
  • [ ] Photo (Color) of Kerbalnaut candidate posing after getting out from a jet trainer
  • [ ] Photo (Color) of Kerbalnaut Group 1 (Jeb, Bob, Bill, Seangard, Jerski, Genefred, Kellas)
  • [ ] Spork
  • [ ] Scissors
  • [ ] Food tray, semitranslucent blue with velcro straps / clipboard spring clips
  • [ ] Drink bottle with straw and straw cap
  • [ ] Food in Foil Bag, flat
    • list labels here...
  • [ ] Food in Foil Bag, bulky
    • list labels here...
  • [ ] Beverage in Foil Bag
    • list labels here...
  • [ ] Kringles chips in paper tubes
    • "Red", "Green" and "Yellow" flavours
  • [ ] Ice Cream in plastic tubs

(List incomplete)

sumghai avatar Jun 09 '14 06:06 sumghai