John Sullivan
John Sullivan
There are some missing features in scalameta that make this impossible at the moment. But it seems like those features that we will need will come around relatively soon. I'm...
TTL = time to live Both MongoDB and Cassandra back ends have this feature. I think it would be worth exposing. Let's do it clean and in a typesafe way...
Support for query operations such as `sum`, `ave`, and `groupBy`. Something like: ``` // sketch sealed trait AggregationOp case object Sum extends AggregationOp case object Ave extends AggregationOp // ......
Add integration testing at `longevity.integration.model.basics.BasicsSpec`.
If you are interested, please just ask me about it. I can provide tons of support to you in getting this implemented.
Add integration testing at `longevity.integration.model.basics.BasicsSpec`.
Add integration testing at `longevity.integration.model.basics.BasicsSpec`.
Right now, a number of queries will throw exception on cassandra. For instance, a query with an OR clause. Here's my idea for making this typesafe: - add a type...
Other chapters of the manual have unit tests to confirm the code in the examples compiles. The three chapters mentioned, for the most part, do not. It should be relatively...