John Sullivan
John Sullivan
What's the behavior in joins? It would seem like this would be the most problematic case. If I am going to do an inner join on two columns with null...
@dszakallas Were you interested in looking in to fixing this? I'm poking around for an issue to work on, this one seems pretty tractable for someone new to the project....
thanks @imarios. I've started looking into it, but got pulled off by other commitments. I'll get back to it soon.
this is tracked on my story board here:
on my story board here:
@mardo you might be interested in taking on this low hanging fruit 😄 :1st_place_medal:
I'll note that concerns may come up about the size of the binary data being incorporated here. E.g., MongoDB has a 16MB size limit on an individual record. But we...
That sounds like a good idea to me (GridFS, etc). It would involve some work. Just to note this could be done in parallel with an in-record implementation when people...
This is by no means a small piece of work, but there is nothing particularly tricky about it either.
on my story board here: